Sunday, December 29, 2019

What Is General Adaptation Syndrome

General adaptation syndrome (GAS) is the process that the body undergoes when it responds to stress, whether physiological or psychological. The process consists of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. GAS was first described by endocrinologist Hans Selye, who believed that over time, the stress response causes aging and disease when we are chronically exposed to stress. Key Takeaways The general adaptation syndrome is a three-stage process that describes how the body responds to stress.In the alarm stage, the body prepares its fight or flight response.In the stage of resistance, the body attempts to return to normal after the stress has been removed.When stress is chronic, the stage of resistance can lead to the stage of exhaustion, in which the body is not able to adequately cope with stress effectively. General Adaptation Syndrome Definition Organisms like to maintain homeostasis, or a steady, balanced state, also known as constant internal milieu. When an organism is exposed to stress, the body uses its fight or flight response to compensate. General adaptation syndrome is the process that the body undergoes to attempt to return to homeostasis. Through the use of hormones, the body attempts to return to this state as soon as possible, but the system has limits. When we are exposed to chronic stress, problems and issues can result. The Three Stages of GAS Alarm Reaction Stage Have you ever been in a situation where you felt stressed and your heart began to beat quickly? Perhaps you started sweating or felt like you wanted to flee? These are typical symptoms of the first stage of general adaptation syndrome, called the alarm reaction stage. In the alarm stage, your body experiences the fight or flight response. When exposed to stress, our typical reactions are stimulated by two body hormones: epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) and norepinephrine (also known as noradrenaline). Epinephrine mobilizes glucose and fatty acid release from fatty cells. The body is able to use both as energy to respond to stress. Epinephrine and norepinephrine also have powerful effects on the heart. Both the heart rate and stroke volume are increased, thereby increasing the bodys cardiac output. They also help to shunt blood away from the other parts of the body to the heart, brain, and muscles as the body prepares to attack or flee. At the same time, the body also releases glucocorticoids, particularly cortisol, to help meet the bodys energy needs in times of stress. The glucocortical reaction is typically slower and of longer duration than the similar effects of epinephrine on glucose metabolism. Stage of Resistance When the initial threat has subsided, the body attempts to return to its homeostatic state and repair itself. This is a part of the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome, which is characterized by a lack of concentration and irritability. Our heart rate and cardiac output attempt to return to normal, blood pressure is reduced and the hormones secreted by the body try to go back to their prior levels. However, due to the initial stress experienced, the body remains at a heightened state of readiness for some time, in case the stress returns. Assuming that the stress is overcome, the body will return to its prior state. However, if there is chronic stress, the body will attempt to compensate and continue in the stage of resistance. If the body undergoes stress for too long and stays in the stage of resistance, it can lead to the stage of exhaustion. Stage of Exhaustion The stage of exhaustion results from chronic exposure to stress. In this stage, stress is such that the body is not able to return to its original homeostatic state. In other words, the body has exhausted its internal resources and is not able to fight stress adequately. Signs of the stage of exhaustion may include anxiety and depression. The stage of exhaustion is also characterized by a compromised immune system, which makes it more difficult for the body to fight off infection. Continued chronic stress can lead to a number of related diseases and issues, such as type 2 diabetes, ulcers, and hypertension. Sources Reece, Jane B., and Neil A. Campbell. Campbell Biology. Benjamin Cummings, 2011.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effects of Blues Music on Civil Rights - 2432 Words

Blues Music | Influences on Civil Rights in the United States | Addy Phillips | Eddie James â€Å"Son† House, Jr., an American blues singer and guitarist once stated, People keep asking me where the blues started and all I can say is that when I was a boy we always was singing in the fields. Not real singing, you know, just hollerin, but we made up our songs about things that was happening to us at the time, and I think thats where the blues started (Cohn, 1993).† House, living through the development of the blues and the Civil Rights Movement, had a definite grasp on the subject at hand. Having changed his lifestyle from the church to blues, he faced many hardships including a deadbeat father, alcoholism, affairs, and prison†¦show more content†¦No black person can escape the blues, because the blues are an inherent part of the black existence in America. To be black is to be blue. The blues tell us about black people’s attempt to carve out a significant existence in a very trying situation. The purpose of the blues is to give structure to black existence in a context where color means rejection and humiliation. Suffering and its relation to blackness is inseparable from the meaning of the blues. Without pain and suffering, and what that meant for black people in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas, there would have been no blues. The blue mood means sorrow, frustration, despair, and black people’s attempt to take these existential realities upon themselves and not lose their sanity. The blues are not art for art’s sake, music for music’s sake. They are a way of life, a life-style of the black community; and the will for survival. Thus to seek to understand the blues apart from the suffering that created them is to misinterpret them and distort the very creativity that defines them (Cone, 1980). Though the blues were developed in the rural southern United States, toward the end of the 19th century, and found a wider audience in the 1940s as blacks migrated to urban areas. Jazz music has dozens of variations and also utilizes elements from other genres. Albeit the fact that it isShow MoreRelatedHistory of the Blues Essay1018 Words   |  5 Pages In one way shape or form Blues music has influenced almost every music artist and their work. Jazz and Blues gave way to such artists as Elvis Presley and Chuck Barry. The history and origins of Blues traces back many generations. Many articles have been written over the years helping readers better understand the history and importance of Blues music. All the articles have a similar attitude toward The Blues. Each article makes Blues Musics social and musical importance and impact blaringlyRead MoreHistory Of Rock Roll Isn t Close On Being A Perfect Story982 Words   |  4 Pagesbeginning is distasteful and gloomy. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 31 Free Essays

Letter #2-November 15, 2006 Dear Pat, First, let me say it’s good to hear from you. It’s been a long time, which has been strange for me. I mean, when you are married to someone for years and then you don’t see that person for almost as many years, it’s strange, right? I don’t know how to explain it, especially since our marriage ended so abruptly and scandalously. We will write a custom essay sample on The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 31 or any similar topic only for you Order Now We never got a chance to talk things over – one-on-one – like civilized adults. Because of this, sometimes I think maybe it’s almost as if I’m not really sure the multiple â€Å"Pat-less† years have truly transpired, but maybe it’s been only a brief separation that feels like years. Like a solo car ride that takes all night but feels like a lifetime. Watching all those highway dashes flying by at seventy miles an hour, your eyes becoming lazy slits and your mind wandering over the memory of a whole lifetime – past and future, childhood memories to thoughts of your own death – until the numbers on the dashboard clock do not mean anything anymore. And then the sun comes up and you get to your destination and the ride becomes the thing that is no longer real, because that surreal feeling has vanished and time has become meaningful again. Finally making contact with you is like arriving at the end of a long car ride and realizing I went to the wrong place – that I have ended up in the past somehow, at the port of origin instead of the dock of destination. But at least I finally get to say that to you, which is important. It probably sounds stupid, but maybe you know what I mean. The part of my life you once filled has been nothing but highway dashes since you were put away, and I am hoping this exchange of letters will help to provide closure for both of us, because soon I will drive back to the place I was before Tiffany contacted me, and we will be only memories to each other. I can hardly believe how much you wrote. When Tiffany told me you were writing me a letter, I did not expect you to give her two hundred photocopied pages of your diary. As you can imagine, Tiffany was not able to read me all of the pages over the phone, because that would have taken hours! She did read me the introductory note and then filled me in on the rest, citing your diary often. You need to know it was a lot of work for her to read through the manuscript and pick out the parts she thought I should hear. For Tiffany’s sake, please limit your next letter to five pages – should there be a next letter – as reading five pages aloud takes a long time and Tiffany is typing up what I dictate over the phone as well, which is already too much to ask of her. (She really is a phenomenally kind woman, don’t you think? You are lucky to have Tiffany in your life.) Maybe it’s the English teacher in me, but I feel as though a page limit is best. No offense, but let’s try to be concise. Okay? Congratulations on your dance performance. Tiffany says you performed flawlessly. I’m so proud of you! It’s hard to imagine you dancing, Pat. The way that Tiffany described the performance was very impressive. I’m glad you are taking an interest in new things. That’s good. I certainly wish you had danced more with me. Things at Jefferson High School are gloriously shitty. The PTA pushed for online grade books, and now parents have access to their children’s grades 24/7. You would hate working here now because of this new development. All parents have to do is log on to a computer, go to the Jefferson High School Web page, enter an ID # and a password, and they can see if their kid turned in his homework on any given day or scored poorly on a pop quiz or whatever. Of course, this means if we are behind on our grading, parents will know and the aggressive ones will call. Parent-teacher conferences have increased because of this. Every time a student misses a single homework, I’m hearing from parents. Our sports teams are losing pretty regularly too. Coach Ritchie and Coach Malone both miss you. Believe me when I say they could not fill your shoes, and the kids are worse off without Coach Peoples at the helm. The life of a teacher is still hectic and crazy – and I am glad you don ’t have to deal with this type of stress as you heal. Sorry to hear about your father being aloof. I know how much that used to upset you. And I’m also sorry your Eagles are up and down – but at least they beat the Redskins last weekend, right? And season tickets with Jake, you must feel as though you died and went to heaven. I think it’s best to say I am remarried. I won’t go into details unless you want me to, Pat. I’m sure this comes as a shock to you, especially after Tiffany read me the many parts of your diary that seemed to indicate you still hope to reconcile our marriage. You need to know this is not going to happen. The truth is I was planning on divorcing you before the accident, before you were checked into the neural health facility. We were not a good match. You were never home. And let’s face it – our sex life was shit. I cheated on you because of this, which you may or may not remember. I am not trying to hurt you, Pat – far from it. I am not proud of my infidelity. I regret cheating on you. But our marriage was over before I began my affair. Your mind is not right, but I have been told your therapist is one of the best in South Jersey, your treatments are working, and your memory will return soon; when it does, you will remember how I hurt you, an d then you will not even want to write me, let alone try to re-create what you think we once had. I understand my blunt response to your very long and passionate letter might make you upset, and if you don’t want to write me again, I will understand. But I wanted to be honest with you. What’s the point if we lie now? Yours, Nikki P.S. – I was very impressed with your finally reading many of the books on my American Lit. syllabus. Many students have also complained about the novels being so depressing. Try Mark Twain. Huck Finn ends happily. You might like that one. But I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my students when they complain about the depressing nature of American literature: life is not a PG feel-good movie. Real life often ends badly, like our marriage did, Pat. And literature tries to document this reality, while showing us it is still possible for people to endure nobly. It sounds like you have endured very nobly since you returned to New Jersey, and I want you to know I admire that. I hope you are able to reinvent yourself and live out the rest of your life with a quiet sense of satisfaction, which is what I have been trying to do since we parted. How to cite The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 31, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Asset Allocation and Audit Attributes †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Asset Allocation and Audit Attributes. Answer: Introduction The Audi is a German automobile manufacturer that design, engineers, market, produces and distributes the luxury vehicles. This brand is a member of the Volkswagen group and having the roots at Germany, Bavaria, Ingolstadt. The report talks about the brand analysis of the Audi, it includes the brand equity, brand resonance model, and the brand asset allocation. The paper also shows the assessment of the performance of the brand considering the BAV BRANDZ models. Based on the overall analysis it shows the most suitable model that reflect the equity of the Audi. Audi AG is a German company that was funded by the August Horch in the year 1910. The brand involves the manufacturing and the designing of the luxurious automobiles and the SUVs. Since the brand came into the existence it is serving the elite and technophiles groups. It has been focusing on the technology and the innovation. The logo of the brand is 4 rings' that indicated the four autonomous motor-vehicle manufactures that include DKW, Audi, Horch, and Wanderer. The brand quality refers to as the commercial value that derives from customer perception in regards to the brand name of particular service or product. The brand AUDI has been playing a significant role in the groups of brands. The brand service is available for the high and the middle-income people. The cars of the Audi brand are fulfilling the demand of the customers such as comfort, speed, and reliability which is improving the perception of the customer towards the brand (Gurhan-Canli, Hayran, and Sarial-Abi, 2016). The vehicles of Audi were able to achieve the hearts of the people with the help of the combination of the luxury speed and the affordability. This is the reason that the brand equity of the Audi is increasing because of the global subsidiary availability. This is making the customer aware of the services provided by the brand. The brand has formed the repair and the assembly points in major markets across the world so that they can make the car affordable for custom ers. Brand resonance of Audi The brand resonance shows the relationship that the customer has with the product. Brand having the strong resonance will be able to get the benefit from the increased customer loyalty along with the decreased vulnerability (Huang, Yen, Liu, and Chang, 2014). Audi is filled with the quality in this model of resonance: Brand Salience:- Brand sailence talks about the awareness of the brand, Audi has strong awareness after BMW. The brand consists of the High depth/ high breadth. The brand is having the high digital recognition that is 9 million facebook like. The brand contains the strong heritage. Approximately 93% of the consumers recognize the brand, and 74.32% consumers recall the brand. Brand performance:- The Audi is continuously bringing the change in the performance. Audi is continuously bringing improvement in the performance of the products they are delivering (Tolba, and Hassan, 2009). The brand reduced the emission to break their own records with 24th Du Mands winner Audi R8. The brand introduced Quttro which is 4WD (four-wheel-drive-system). this technology was built by the brand to enhance the performance of the race car. Audi always comes up with new innovation and technology such as Audi TT Offroad concept, Audi TFSI engine technology. Brand imagery:- Brand imagery is the aesthetic appearance of the brand's core messaging. Sports and innovation is the brand imagery of audio. The brand products show that the brand is for the modern customer who is looking for the sporty automobiles (Varol, 2016). Audi is the successful brand in the eyes of the customers. it is the preference of the people who are looking for different and sporty cars (Magnusson, Krishnan, Westjohn, and Zdravkovic, 2014). Brand judgments:- The judgment talks about the preference of the customer's opinion and evaluation (Andehn, M., Andehn, LEspoir Decosta, and LEspoir Decosta, 2016). The customer believes that the brand is continuously improving the quality and it is able to regain the credibility after the 80s reputation. Design of the cars of the audio is becoming a strength of the brand as per customers. The customers of the brand feel smarter and they will be able to challenge the old conventions and the habits. The respondents of the Audi Brand are emotional associations that consist of the prestige, power, beauty, safety and the happiness. Brand resonance:- The nature of the relationship that makes the customer feel that they are connected with the brand. Audi customers are engaged through social networks. The brand loyalty is relatively low due to the high competition but it is improving in last few years (Zarantonello, and Schmitt, 2013). Brand asset allocation The brand assets allocation is the allocation fo the funds by the brand to get the maximum benefit in low risk. The company believes in investing the amount in the development of the technology and the innovation to get the best result that can be used by the brand to create the distinct value of the brand product (Raftery, 2014). The Audi brand investment is supporting the brand with the values of the Olympic games continues to pay off. The shared symbol of the Audi brand that is interconnecting rings, these rings provide a powerful vision link that strengthens the brand connection with the customers. The success of the brand models leads to the differentiated market propositions for Audi. The brand reflects a high level of association and the awareness of the visual properties. The below model talks about the evaluation of brand equity which reflects the performance of the brand and the relation of the brand with their customers (Salamovska, and Todorovska, 2016). BAV model is used by the companies to measure the brand equity of thousands of brand across the world (Tavassoli, Sorescu, and Chandy, 2014). It consists of the four categories that are used by to evaluate the brand equity of AUDI. Differentiation- The customer believes that the products provided by the brand are unique and distinct from the other brands because the brand comes with a unique design with the innovation. Relevance- Consumers from high and middle-income group find it suitable for them, the reason being the brand is able to fulfill the demand of the comfort and speed. Appreciation- Every unique and distinct product launched by the Audi is getting the appreciation because every time the brand is coming up with updated technology and design along with the improved quality. Knowledge- The brand awareness of the Audi is increasing day by day, the customers are familiar with a brand. Though, the knowledge about the brand core meaning is lacking somewhere. Brandz model The brandz model is developed by the Milward Brown and WPP, which is the pyramid shape. The model shows the brand building of the company, it is also used to measure the performance of the company in terms of the brand (Ho-Dac, Carson, and Moore, 2013). It consists of the five parameters such as bonding, advantage, performance, relevance, and presence. Bonding- The uniqueness of the products and service provided by the Audi cannot be beaten by anyone else. Advantage- The Brand is providing luxury cars having different design and innovation in the products. The after sales service of the company is better from the other companies. Performance- It delivers the performance in terms of meeting the desired expectations of the customer from the brand. Relevance- It offers recognition to the customer in the society or in the market along with this it adds value to the status of the customers. Presence- The presence of the Audi brand is available globally, the products of the brand had played a vital role in enhancing the brand presence in the market. The above model is two different model which is used by the company for the evaluation of the brand equity of the company. This model speaks about the true picture of the company. Conclusion The report throws light on the brand quality of the Audi automobiles. The analysis of brand resonance model, BAV model, and the BRANDZ model is discussed which shows the brand relationship with the customers. A different model is used for the different purpose which is discussed in the report. Considering three model, according to me the brand resonance model is the most appropriate model that reflects the quality of the Audi brand. This model not only shows the relationship of the brand with the customers but it also shows the brand equity of the Audi. This model shows the six building blocks of the brand that talks about the brand equity of the company with the help of which company can easily evaluate the brand equity in one go. References Andehn, M., Andehn, M., LEspoir Decosta, P. and LEspoir Decosta, P., 2016. The variable nature of country-to-brand association and its impact on the strength of the country-of-origin effect. International Marketing Review, 33(6), pp.851-866. Gurhan-Canli, Z., Hayran, C. and Sarial-Abi, G., 2016. Customer-based brand equity in a technologically fast-paced, connected, and constrained environment. AMS review, 6(1-2), pp.23-32. Ho-Dac, N.N., Carson, S.J. and Moore, W.L., 2013. The effects of positive and negative online customer reviews: do brand strength and category maturity matter?. Journal of Marketing, 77(6), pp.37-53. Huang, C.C., Yen, S.W., Liu, C.Y. and Chang, T.P., 2014. The relationship among brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand resonance to repurchase intention of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online), 6(3), p.106. Magnusson, P., Krishnan, V., Westjohn, S.A. and Zdravkovic, S., 2014. The spillover effects of prototype brand transgressions on country image and related brands. Journal of International Marketing, 22(1), pp.21-38. Raftery, A.M., 2014. The size, cost, asset allocation and audit attributes of Australian self-managed superannnuation funds (Doctoral dissertation). Salamovska, S.M. and Todorovska, M., 2016. Brand Valuation and Marketing Assets AssessmentTheoretical Background vs. Contemporary Managerial Issues. strategic management, 21(4), pp.37-44. Tavassoli, N.T., Sorescu, A. and Chandy, R., 2014, December. Employee-based brand equity: Why firms with strong brands pay their executives less. American Marketing Association. Tolba, A.H. and Hassan, S.S., 2009. Linking customer-based brand equity with brand market performance: a managerial approach. Journal of Product Brand Management, 18(5), pp.356-366. Varol, S., 2016. Analyzing brand loyalty in automotive sector using the hidden Markov model and support vector machine. Lamar University-Beaumont. Zarantonello, L. and Schmitt, B.H., 2013. The impact of event marketing on brand equity: The mediating roles of brand experience and brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 32(2), pp.255-280. Zarantonello, L. and Schmitt, B.H., 2013. The impact of event marketing on brand equity: The mediating roles of brand experience and brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 32(2), pp.255-280.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Literature Review on Online Voting System free essay sample

Make sure you do understand this topic before you register the topic with your lecturer. Your assignment should be computer typed. The referencing style to be used in this research is the   style. The font type to be used should be Arial, its size should be 10 and line spacing should be 1. 5.   Provide a list of your bibliography, attached as an appendix. The assignment requires you to write a)Background on the area of research, a maximum of one page . b)Literature review own your selected topic, a maximum of five pages. Your literature review should be sectionalized i. e. divided into heading and sub-heading which are logical connected. [30 marks] The report should be well structured, having a cover page, topic numbered, page numbered, table of contents and well referencedmarks. The objective of this Individual Assignment is for students to showcase their skill in ability to a)Gathering relevant information for conducting a literature review b)Critically analyze and evaluate gathered information to construct literature review c)Conclude and recommend Students are expected to write a document on literature review for a topic of their choice. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review on Online Voting System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Student who submits this Assignment later than the deadline date stated above will have marks penalized. (5% of the total mark everyday) †¢Print out the Assignment by using Arial font style and size of 10 by using Microsoft Word. †¢You must submit the work with an assignment cover page stapled together as submission. This Assignment is an individual work and it contributes 30% to your total marks.   The following is the marks deduction: Late submission = -5% per day of your total marks irrespective of reasons and excuses †¢Not following question requirements = 0 % is awarded immediately †¢Plagiarism = 0% is awarded immediately. †¢Let others copy your work = 0% is awarded immediately. †¢Off topic work = 0% is awarded immediately. You are NOT allowed to work with any other students. †¢You are NOT allowed to work together to get a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away a solution other than your group †¢Do NOT let others see your work †¢If someone cheats by using your work, you will all be penalized.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Micro and Macro Environment Factors Essays

Micro and Macro Environment Factors Essays Micro and Macro Environment Factors Paper Micro and Macro Environment Factors Paper In this report I will be trying to help and advice marketing manager of Dynamic International Ltd. I will explain what are micro and macro environment factors and how do they affect his marketing decisions as well as consumer buying behavior. I will propose him segmentation criteria, targeting and positioning for his products. Micro environment Micro environment consists of the different types of stakeholders outside the organization. The constituents or stakeholders of the micro environment include customers, suppliers, creditors, distributors, dealers, etc. Although these constituents arent the direct control of the organization, still they can be influence by organization through its policies and strategies (Dry. Carmine Gunman, 2010 page 37). Micro environment factors which could influence Dynamic International Ltd are: Employees Employees are critical to success of the organization, the dynamic international is hand gloves manufacturing company and their employees are the ones responsible for keeping their company going. Employing the right stuff, providing them trainings and keeping them motivated gives ability to et customers deadlines and produce high quality hand gloves. Suppliers Suppliers are those that provide goods and services which are transformed into value by organizations. Dynamic Ltd should look for right suppliers and keeping good relationship is crucial to organization, getting competitive prices and high quality goods are the one of the good relationship examples. Customers Customers are the ones who make a market; they are the ones who buy goods and using them. Customers are the reason why companies start business, why companies developing new products and differentiated their existing products. By selling the goods to the customers organizations makes a profit, thats why Dynamic Ltd have to concentrate on satisfying their customers needs and wants. Macro environment The macro environment consists of constituents that are beyond of the business organization. The constituents are social-cultural, technological, economical and political factors which constitute their own individual environments (Dry. Carmine Gunman, 2010 page 37). Macro environmental factors which could influence Dynamic International Ltd are: Political Government is the one that responsible providing the rules of the game which make business function smoothly, government responsible for introducing new laws and regulations, taxation for the business. For example if government decides to cut funds for public sector in order to save money, all councils may have to look for cheaper options to buy gloves for their workmen, which means Dynamic Ltd could lose their customers. Economic It is very important to look at economic environment. Almost every business depends on it, some countries have strong economy some countries dont. Economic environment is very dynamic; it keeps on changing in changes with government policies. If economy is poor there will be negative effect on the business and organizations would have to find the way out to make people buy their products. For example if there would be high unemployment in the country Dynamic Ltd would have to use different marketing strategies by using commercials or advertising, or dropping their prices to show compassion for their customers. Technology Technology is changing fast and the adoption of the new technology could be a good investment in the business, for example Dynamic Ltd decide to buy a new manufacturing machine , this could be a competitive advantage for hem, and it could increase a speed of the production and save the money instead of hiring extra employees. Segmentation Criteria To segment the market is crucial because you have to allocate resources and to know who you are concentrated at. There are four types of segmentations which is geographic, demographic, cryptographic, and behavioral segmentation. I will be proposing two segmentation criteria for Dynamic Ltd which is: Demographic segmentation Dave Needled (1999) suggests that this is the most commonly approach to the market. The division of consumer groups according to demographic rabbles such as age, gender, income, occupation, education, family size helps you to target market. Dynamic Ltd could use this to understand how these characteristics influence the products they selling. For example, knowing that customer needs changes with age they could promote their products to meet the needs Of all age Of groups or using gender segmentation they could increase productivity buy start selling both male and female hand gloves. Behavioral segmentation Behavioral segmentations concerned about buyers behavior, they are divided into segments according the way they behave, such as usage of the reduce, knowledge of the product, loyalty, and attitude toward the products. For example loyal customers might be able pay extra price for a pair of gloves, because their trust the quality and standard of the product, but some may not be interested because they know little or nothing about it. Targeting Strategies Another step after we finish segmentation is targeting. Once the market has been segmented, the Dynamic International need choose targeting strategy. Targeting is about which and how many groups of customers organizations are going to target with its products or services. There are three targeting strategies: differentiated, undifferentiated, and concentrated. Differentiated strategy This strategy is when the company decides to target more than a one market segment. Using this strategy the company can spread risk across the market, so if one segment declines the company still has revenue from others. The disadvantage is that it requires a high level of marketing expertise and will incur higher costs (Marilyn A. Stone, John Despond, 2007 page 172). Undifferentiated strategy This strategy is when organization assumes that the market is homogeneous nit, in other words company ignores market segment differences and goes after all market with one product offering (Marilyn A. Stone, John Despond, 2007 page 172). This approach would suit for large global companies that have strong offerings, or organizations who sell commodity products. Concentrated strategy This strategy involves specializing in one specific segment. This can lead to detailed knowledge of target segmentÃ'Å¡ s needs and wants, with the added benefit that organization is regarded as a specialist over it mass-market competitors. Advantage of this strategy is that it reduces costs, as there is only one marketing mix to manage (Marilyn A. Stone, John Despond, 2007 page 172). I think the most suitable targeting strategy for Dynamic International Ltd would be differentiated strategy, because this strategy is perfect for organizations wishing to grow. Targeting more than one segment means that Dynamic Ltd would have got more products to offer, so even if some segments would fail they would still get profit from other segments. Consumer Buying Behavior Why do we need to understand customer behavior? Analyzing customers behavior helps to understand why buyers buy and use certain products and revises, it helps business to adjust their marketing strategies and promote their products. Consumer buying behavior is ;the decision processes and acts of individuals involved in buying and using products or services (BP Learning Media, 2010 page 131). There are many situations that buying behavior could affect marketing activities. As I illustrated below in the first situation it could depend on customers lifestyle. If the customer is young student who doesnt really know much about technology and needs new laptop, because the old one is broken down, would probably make up his mind quick and easy. While professional IT specialist would probably take is time and think about performance and quality of the product. Second situation as illustrated below it might be psychological factors, where customer is loyal to Apple products and belief that is better than any others. Buying a laptop (second situation) Buying a laptop (first situation) Positioning After finishing segmenting and targeting I am going to decide what type of positioning strategy could Dynamic Ltd use for its products. Positioning strategy helps to differentiate organization products and services from its monitors. Havilland (2010) suggest that positioning could be defined as the distinct place of products (or service) occupies in the minds of the target customers relative to competing products. In other word, how the firms wants its products to be perceived by target customer on important attributes or benefits. Differentiating themselves from competitors is crucial to success, being able to create different perception about your product in your targeting customers minds that is where the success is. First thing Dynamic Ltd could try to be different by offering different prices to their customers; however their competitors could switch their prices easy to be competitive. But having good competitive price and quality products that what makes different from your competitors. Dynamic Ltd should come up new design gloves that are comfortable, long lasting and safe gloves that could suit both male and female. Being the first to offer something unique would be a success. They could even use a slogan for their products such as The Best hand gloves to protect your hands Conclusion clearly showed what and how micro and macro factors could affect Dynamic Ltd marketing decisions. Also suggest you the best suitable segmentation criteria, targeting strategy and positioning for your product. Pop my suggestions will help George to make future decisions easier for his company.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflections Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Reflections - Assignment Example There are also other researches that have been recommended to be conducted in future about all the topics learned in the lecture. However, the lecture is quite wide thus lack of concentration could lead to an individual failing in the entire lecture. There are four projects that are presented in the transportation engineering lecture. The first one is travel behaviors that investigate the behaviors that individuals undertake in the course of their travelling. The second one is SUT RN, automated cars and finally in food deserts. Automated cars make it easier for individuals to drive than the manual cars. One of the engineering projects that I found interesting is automated cars. This topic is interesting since I was able to learn more about this self driving car. It is capable of fulfilling the capabilities of a manual car. I was interested in learning that this car is able to sense the surrounding environment and navigate without any human input. Overall, the lecture was an interesting one to learn. I was able to know new things and understand what happens in transportation engineering. The lecturer was able to ensure that all students understood what was being taught. In addition, the lecturer made the lecture more fun by ensuring that all students were thoroughly

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Retirement Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Retirement Planning - Essay Example One must consider all your current expenses and how your financial needs and responsibilities will change over time as one approaches retirement age. Once a person reaches retirement age many of your current day to day expenses such as gas, car payments and maintenance, and other family expenses will diminish. Other financial responsibilities will most likely be paid off such as personal loans and mortgage payments, but there are other expenses that will likely increase such as medical expenses and entertainment. On average conservatively speaking individuals need around 80% of their current income in order to be able to live with the same current standard of living after retirement, but if one plans to do a lot of traveling and entertainment your allocation for retirement income will need to increase to 100% -120% of your current income in order to meet your future financial needs after retirement sets in (Hazell, 2012). By carefully planning and analyzing all your current and future expenses your budget allocation will reflect your future financial needs and be able to plan ahead in order to find out how much extra savings one must allocate every month in order to meet your retirement goals and lifestyle choices. After analyzing my current situation and future needs and wants I determined that I will require 100% of my current income in order to live comfortably and still be able to do some traveling while having enough extra income for entertainment. Based on the premise that an individua l who is currently 25 years old with a current income of $55,000 a year, approximate future pension of $20,000, and estimated social security payments totaling $19,019 a year who wants to retire in 40 years by age 65 and with a life expectancy of 80 years old will need an additional $625,300 by age 65 or $184,908 in todays dollars. In order to maximize my return on investment while maintaining a conservative risk profile for risk adverse investors I will diversify my

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethics in the Workplace Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics in the Workplace Case Study - Essay Example ain action which makes a framework for behavior of the people; nevertheless, the company in question did not put any restrictions on the actions of its employees. As it was noted in the case, sales representatives were not afraid to acknowledge that they offered brides to the doctors which is a kind of action that is recognized as a crime by the applicable law. Finally, the strength of any ethical system is primarily based on the fact that every person who works in a company, regardless of the amount of powers vested into one adheres to the ethical guidelines that are spelled out. Contrary to that, the case of TAP Pharmaceuticals proves that neither employees nor senior management was willing to introduce changes into the practices that were carried out. In other words, if there was an ethical system in the company in question, it was more a theoretical concept than the one which was applied in practice. However, a close examination of the situation would reveal that there was an ethical system which can be defined as ends driven. Indeed, every action that employees of the company made brought the goal closer. For example, they built good relationships with doctor by offering their different gifts which were actually bribes. The case talks about big screen television sets, ability to earn money by keeping the difference from selling drugs that they got for free of at a discount. However, this was done not simply to make their lives better, but they make sure that they approve the drug that is being produced by the company. In other words, all those gifts served a simple goal: convince the doctors to recommend a specific drug over the others. Keeping in mind that doctors likes the benefits that they were offered, the readily agreed to do so, knowing that cooperation is likely to bring them even more benefits. Finally, the actions that were mentioned above resulted into the fact that the company made a bigger profit if compared to the situation if it had not bribes

Friday, November 15, 2019

DDS Based Communication Middleware

DDS Based Communication Middleware CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION â€Å"Data Distribution Service based communication middleware† to addresses the communication needs of distributed applications. Middleware placed between a software application and the operating system as shown in Figure 1.1[33]. Network middleware segregates the application from the subtle elements of the underlying computer architecture, operating system and network stack. Figure1.1 Middleware (Software layer between OS and application) Network middleware simplifies the development of distributed systems by allowing applications to send and receive information without having to program using lower-level protocols such as sockets and TCP or UDP/IP. Key benefits of a middleware are: Reduce the likelihood of a fault. Perform complex one-to-many and many-to-many network communications. Customize application operation to meet various real-time, reliability, and Quality-of-service goals. Communicating application is entirely decoupled. Middleware Technology Overview Most of the contemporary Message Oriented Middleware has been built around a well-defined and much accepted standard from OMG namely the OMG DDS (Data Distribution Services). This section attempts to give a brief overview of this technology. The Data distribution service is an Object Management Group’s middleware standard that specifically aims to enable high-performance, real-time data between publisher and subscriber. Advantages The DDS middleware is well known â€Å"publish-subscribe† communication paradigm. The middleware is adaptable and has a versatile structural planning that backings auto-discovery of new endpoint applications. DDS middleware has low overhead is utilized with elite systems. DDS based middleware supports Deterministic data delivery. DDS middleware is dynamically scalable depending on requirement. DDS middleware is productively utilizes the more data transfer capacity. DDS middleware not only supports one-to-one it should also provide communication for one-to-many, many-to one, and finally many-to-many communications. Publish-subscribe applications are commonly dispersed applications with endpoint nodes that communicate with one another by sending (publishing) information and accepting (subscribing) information namelessly. Generally the main property a publisher needs so as to communicate with a subscriber is the name and meaning of the information. The publisher does not require any data about the subscriber, and the other way around. The length of the intrigued applications recognize what information is being conveyed, publisher subscribe framework is fit for conveying that information to the fitting nodes without needing to set up individual associations. Publisher is in charge of get-together the fitting information and sending it out to every single enrolled subscriber. Subscribers are in charge of getting data from the proper publishers and exhibiting the information to the intrigued client application. Data-centric driven correspondence gives the capacity to indicate different parameters like the rate of production, rate of membership, to what extent the information is legitimate, and numerous others. These Quality of Service (QoS) parameters permit framework architects to develop a disseminated application in view of the prerequisites for, and accessibility of, every particular bit of information. 1.2 Problem Statement for the project The most existing conventional middlewares which are used for exchanging the data are broker oriented approach (Fig 1.2). Publishers sends the message to the most error free delivery service and more over it is send to broker and subscribers which meant to read the message should register memberships with the broker before reading the message sent by the publisher. The membership is applicable for specific message. Here the functionality of the broker is to hold and send the message from sender to receiver. The Subscribers to read the message enroll for membership for particular messages either at build, initialization or runtime. In short without the broker there is no chance for sender and receiver to exchange the message which is not a better option. Figure 1.2 Existing Broker based Architecture 1.3 Aim of the present Project The project aims to design communication middleware based on a data-distribution service which supports a decentralized broker-less architecture. DDS standard is a absolute data-centric publisher-subscriber message exchange approach. Here the emphasis is on client characterized information (the information model). The unit of exchange in this sort of framework is information esteem. The middleware comprehends the connection of the information and guarantees every intrigued subscriber has a right and reliable perspective of the data. 1.4 Proposed System The proposed system for this project is a decentralized no broker approach building design for empowering consistent messages are exchanged between publisher and subscriber. Data Distribution Service is in view of the thought of a virtual Global data space where publishers enter the new values to the data space and subscribers read the values from the data space. A data model comprising of named topics, their client characterized information sorts and related QoS is utilized to by the DDS framework to control how data is shared. DDS connects publishers to subscribers over the information transport as demonstrated as follows. Figure1.3 Global Data Space for DDS middleware 1.5 Purpose of this Project The purpose of this project is development of technologies and solutions that can be leveraged for the Integration of various components built on different platform. Integration solution should be scalable to accommodate futuristic requirements in the distributed computing. The objective includes development of Message oriented middleware (MoM) leveraging suitably ruggedized versions of Internet protocols (TCP/IP) that are robust under tactical networking constraints which will provide seamless communication between the heterogeneous systems. The middleware should expose standard interfaces to which the application can be hooked and achieve desired levels of interoperability and integration with the help of XML format of messages. The middleware should be portable for the various operating systems. MoM should benefit the end user in supporting large scale system integration via communication infrastructure. 1.4 Organization of the report This section is intended to give a brief overview of the structure of this document and the composition of each chapter. 1.5 Summary In this chapter an overview of the project is described namely, Introduction about Data distribution service communication middleware involving definition and key benefits of middleware, Problem statement which gives main drawback of existing approach for communication between publisher and subscriber i.e. existing approaches are broker based, Aim of the project proposed system is broker less approach between publisher and subscriber i.e. there are no intermediate messaging agents between publisher and subscribers and Purpose of this Project development of technologies and solutions that can be leveraged for the Integration of various components built on different platform. Dept of ISE, NHCE 2014-15Page 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Existence of a Monopoly and Public Interest Essay -- Monopolies Ec

The Existence of a Monopoly and Public Interest A monopoly is defined as the sole supplier of a good or service with no close substitutes in a given price range. A pure monopoly will therefore have a 100% market share i.e. the firm is the industry. They exist and can only remain as monopolies if there are high barriers to entry to the industry. In the case of a natural monopoly, economies of scale are so large that any new entrant would find it impossible to match the costs and prices of the established firm in the industry. Other barriers to entry include legal barriers such as patents, natural cost advantages such as ownership of all key sites in the industry, marketing barriers such as advertising, and restrictive practises designed to force any competition to leave the market. In this market structure it is also assumed profits are maximised and there is consumer rationality. Traditionally monopoly is thought to be a potentially harmful market structure with unwelcome consequences for the consumer and the economy. Competition has always therefore been seen to be desirable. It could be said therefore to be against the public interest. However there are arguments not only against monopolies but also for their existence. One of the main arguments against monopolies is that they raise prices, restrict output and therefore exploit consumers. This is because the neo-classical theory of the firm assumes that a monopolist will maximise profits which means it will produce where MC=MR. The equilibrium profit maximising level of output will therefore be where MC-MR. This is shown below: The diagram above shows the firm will produce the quantity Qe and will charge the price Pe. As the monopolist above is... ...s to large firms in the economy. Should it split them up or promote such firms. Competition policy therefore reflects the attitude towards monopoly. At the moment the UK has a pragmatic approach where monopoly can be good or bad. I t uses the monopolies and mergers commission to use a case-by-case approach. Competition policy is a government policy to influence the degree of competition in individual markets within the economy. Governments can also attempt to correct market failure caused by monopolies by taxing supernormal profit away, set maximum price levels, subsidise production, nationalise the industry, break it up or reduce entry barriers. In the past economists have generally come out against monopolies and in favour of competitive markets. However, this is clearly not conclusive as monopolies have many potential advantages and disadvantages. The Existence of a Monopoly and Public Interest Essay -- Monopolies Ec The Existence of a Monopoly and Public Interest A monopoly is defined as the sole supplier of a good or service with no close substitutes in a given price range. A pure monopoly will therefore have a 100% market share i.e. the firm is the industry. They exist and can only remain as monopolies if there are high barriers to entry to the industry. In the case of a natural monopoly, economies of scale are so large that any new entrant would find it impossible to match the costs and prices of the established firm in the industry. Other barriers to entry include legal barriers such as patents, natural cost advantages such as ownership of all key sites in the industry, marketing barriers such as advertising, and restrictive practises designed to force any competition to leave the market. In this market structure it is also assumed profits are maximised and there is consumer rationality. Traditionally monopoly is thought to be a potentially harmful market structure with unwelcome consequences for the consumer and the economy. Competition has always therefore been seen to be desirable. It could be said therefore to be against the public interest. However there are arguments not only against monopolies but also for their existence. One of the main arguments against monopolies is that they raise prices, restrict output and therefore exploit consumers. This is because the neo-classical theory of the firm assumes that a monopolist will maximise profits which means it will produce where MC=MR. The equilibrium profit maximising level of output will therefore be where MC-MR. This is shown below: The diagram above shows the firm will produce the quantity Qe and will charge the price Pe. As the monopolist above is... ...s to large firms in the economy. Should it split them up or promote such firms. Competition policy therefore reflects the attitude towards monopoly. At the moment the UK has a pragmatic approach where monopoly can be good or bad. I t uses the monopolies and mergers commission to use a case-by-case approach. Competition policy is a government policy to influence the degree of competition in individual markets within the economy. Governments can also attempt to correct market failure caused by monopolies by taxing supernormal profit away, set maximum price levels, subsidise production, nationalise the industry, break it up or reduce entry barriers. In the past economists have generally come out against monopolies and in favour of competitive markets. However, this is clearly not conclusive as monopolies have many potential advantages and disadvantages.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

His notes

Over the last several years I have been working on and off award an additional degree in Education. I am currently working for the El Paso Independent School District as a classroom instructor, as well as a curriculum writer in US History. I look forward to having you in class. Course Description This course provides an overview of the principal cultural, political, and economic developments that shaped Western civilization from prehistory to the Middle Ages. It presents a framework for understanding current social experience by applying historical perspectives to contemporary issues.After the course, students will be able o use historical knowledge to solve contemporary issues. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materi als forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class.If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies overriding your current class modality. Course Materials The West: Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, e ISBN: 9780205947157 Author: nana Elevate Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) All electronic materials are available on the student website Week One: Prehistory and the Ancient World Details Due Points Objectives 1. 1 Explain the significance of the transition from the Paleolithic era to the Neolithic era. 1. 2 Compare the cultural, political, and economic developments of Mesopotamia and Egypt.Readings Read Chi. 1 The West: Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, e Read Unhistorical: Issue of the Day: From Hunter-gatherers to Food-producers – Overcoming Obstacles Read Unhistorical: Issue of the Day: Geography and Civilization: Egypt and Mesopotamia – Impact of Agriculture? Attendance & Participation Attendance & Participate in class discussion. 8/06 2 Talking Respond to weekly discussion questions. Choose 2 questions to answer and post each week by pm. Week 1 Talking Points What is an important discovery from prehistory? Why is it important?What are the differences between the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras? What is important about the development of human history when we consider the preferences between these two eras? How were the worldviews of the Mesopotamia and Egyptians similar? How were they different? What factors have influenced the way each of these cultures developed their worldviews? What kind of evidence do we have in order to comprehend prehistory and the ancient civilizations? Does the evidence offer a clear picture of these time periods? Why or why not? Which era of Egyptian history was the most successful?Why? Individual Prehistory and the Ancie nt Civilizations Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explain the significance of the ruinations of humankind from a hunter-gatherer society to a food-producing society. Include the following: A description of the Paleolithic era Events that transformed society from the Paleolithic era to the Neolithic era A description of Neolithic era An explanation of how the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic was significant in the development of Mesopotamia and Egypt Format your paper consistent with PAP guidelines.Galoshes (before 2000 BCC)-?Earliest known fully-developed literary character )d First written language on cuneiform clay tablets )e Elaborate art work, mosaics (Standard of Our) )f First systematic polytheistic religion 01 Sights: goddess of love, fertility, and wars 02 Elaborate temple rituals in auguries 03 Religion in Sumerian Oh Sacred literature b Influence on Hebrew Bible )g Babylon under reign of Hamburg (1792-1750 BCC) – powerful cultural and political center 01 Code of Hamburg Oh Collection of laws b Earliest evidence of legal system Co Guarantees protection of slaves, women, and childrenOdd Governs complex Babylonian commerce system Oh Principle of Justice is retribution 02 Advancements in mathematics and astronomy 03 Jargon, king of Kodak – Most important figure in Mesopotamia history )2 Political and economic developments of Mesopotamia )a Several dynasties develop concept of monarchy )b Assyria (northern district of Sumerian)-?kings are chief priests )c Babylonian-?kings and priests have separate offices )d In later stages, influx and intermingling of various cultures, such as Hitters and Assyrian )e Expansion into Asia Minor, Syria, Persia, Palestine, and Egypt under

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Occupy Wall Street Protest essays

The Occupy Wall Street Protest essays Occupy Wall Street Protest Many citizens are feeling cheated out of the American dream, whereas others feel the modern view of the American dream is simply misinterpreted. While certain people are trying to overthrow the government, there are others who are trying to keep the current class structure in place. There are tons of opposing views but both parties bring up great points. Many monumental events have occurred in the Occupy Wall Street protest movement and the media has portrayed the situation in a certain light. Some Weberian and Marx' concepts help to explain the conflict as well as what led to its original genesis. This a a class struggle in Marx's sense and the only way it will end is if those controlling politics, money and power, see eye to eye with those who are currently occupying wall street. Those involved with the protest movement stand up against corporate power and the fact that power and money are so closely linked has lead to a very greedy upper-class which is a problem for the proletariat. These protests have spread from coast to coast and all the while, many views are being thrown on the table. The problem is that no solutions are being offered along with the opinions; it's almost as if no one has the answer. The genesis of the Occupy Wall Street idea came about in July of 2011. The anti-consumerist media organization, Adbusters, came out with a poster that read "What is your one demand?". Underneath that slogan a date was given (September 17th) which would mark the first day of the protest. The protestors all had one common interest and that is to influence the government to embark on a journey toward a new social dynamic in America (Gee, 1). On August 6, 2011 the Spanish Indignados pledged their allegiance to the September 17th protest by saying they would occupy the Madrid stock exchange. On August 23, 2011 an anonymous ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Atomic Number Definition - Chemistry Glossary

Atomic Number Definition - Chemistry Glossary The atomic number of a chemical element is the number of  protons in the nucleus of an atom of the  element. It is the charge number of the nucleus since neutrons carry no net electrical charge. The atomic number determines the identity of an element and many of its chemical properties. The modern periodic table is ordered by increasing atomic number. Atomic Number Examples The atomic number of hydrogen is 1; the atomic number of carbon is 6, and the atomic number of silver is 47, Any atom with 47 protons is an atom  of silver. Varying its number of neutrons changes its isotopes while changing the numbers of electrons makes it an ion. Also Known As: The atomic number is also known as the proton number. It may be represented by the capital letter Z. The use of capital letter Z comes from the German word Atomzahl, which means atomic number. Before the year 1915, the word Zahl (number) was used to describe an elements position on the periodic table. Relationship Between Atomic Number and Chemical Properties The reason the atomic number determines the chemical properties of an element is that the number of protons also determines the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom. This, in turn, defines the electron configuration of the atom and the nature of its outermost or valence shell. The behavior of the valence shell determines how readily an atom will form chemical bonds and participate in chemical reactions. New Elements and Atomic Numbers At the time of this writing, elements with atomic numbers 1 through 118 have been identified. Scientists typically talk about discovering new elements with higher atomic numbers. Some researchers believe there may be an island of stability, where the configuration of protons and neutrons of superheavy atoms will be less susceptible to the quick radioactive decay seen in known heavy elements.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Criminal Law Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Criminal Law Master - Case Study Example The physical elements are collectively called the actus reus and the accompanied mental state is called the mens rea. It is the fundamental duty of the prosecution to prove both of these elements of the offence to the satisfaction of the judge or jury beyond reasonable doubt. In the absence of such proof the defendant will be acquitted." ( ) To illustrate it in a better manner, in an English case, however, where a man ran at his mistress to hit her and the women jumped out of the window and thus met her death, it was held that the jumping out of the window was contributed to by the appellant's unlawful act and on that ground alone a verdict of murder might well have been returned but it was mercifully reduced to manslaughter.(R. v. Curley (1909) 2 Cr App R 109) Criminal Intention and the knowledge of the probable consequences of the act committed are important to prove in order to bring an action under homicide or murder. Where a person had an altercation with his wife in the street outside their home during which he struck her and she fell uncons cious and in his trial to drag her away in that state caused a fatal injury, he was convicted of manslaughter. It was decided by the court that the defendant cannot be set free as it can be said initially the intention was not there but later on the subsequent action that caused the fatal injury was done to conceal the commission of the unlawful assault.(R. v. Leburn,(1991) 3 WLR 653(CA) The Court of Appeal has laid down in R. v. Nedrick that knowledge or foresight of the probable consequences of an act cannot take the place of intention.(1986)3 All ER 1 CA) It can be said that Culpable homicide is murder, if the act by which the death is caused is done with the intention of causing death, or it is done with the intention of causing such bodily injury as the offender knows to be likely to cause the death of the person to whom the harm is caused, or if it is done with the intention of causing bodily injury to any person and the bodily injury intended to be inflicted is sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death, or if the person committing the act knows that it is so imminently dangerous that it must, in all probability, cause death or such bodily injury as is likely to cause death, and commits such act without any excuse for incurring the risk of causing death or such injury as aforesaid. According to the Homicide Act 1957 s.1 "Where a person kills another in the course or furtherance of some other offence, the killing shall not amount to murder unless done with the same malice aforethought (express or implied) as is required for a killing to amount to murder when not done in the course or furtherance of another offence." Throughout English Criminal Law it is the duty of prosecution to prove the accused's guilt. In every charge of murder, if the prosecution have proved homicide, namely, the killing by the accused, the prosecution must prove further that the killing was malicious and murder, as there is no presumption that the act was

Friday, November 1, 2019

Welfare Law (See below for details of the question) Essay

Welfare Law (See below for details of the question) - Essay Example al., 2005, pgh. 1). It was determined that, â€Å"In Street v. Mountford [1985] A.C. 809 [the] House decided that where residential accommodation is granted for a term, at a rent with exclusive possession, the landlord providing neither attention nor services, the grant is a tenancy notwithstanding the fact that the agreement professes an intention by both parties to create a mere licence† (â€Å"Bruton v. London & Quadrant Housing Trust 1999, House of Lords,† 2009). Housing in the UK is rather expensive when one compares prices there to the rest of Europe. Speaking frankly, â€Å"†¦in terms of their impact on the disposable incomes of families, housing in the UK is substantially more expensive than in the rest of the European Union. This generates real affordability problems, especially given strong inflationary pressures within the owner-occupied sector. This aspect of home ownership needs to be emphasised, for other housing tenures have lost favour† (Gallent, et. al., 2002, pp. 153). In fact, it is probably not a good idea to buy property in the UK unless one is absolutely certain one wants to. â€Å"Many foreign markets are without a doubt more risky than investing in property in the UK market†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Barrow, 2008, pp. 387). â€Å"Unlike fixed-term tenancies, periodic tenancies have no initial limit on how long they will last, since they automatically continue from one period until the next until brought to an end by the appropriate period of notice. A periodic tenancy can arise expressly, but it may also arise by implication†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Clements, et. al., 1996, pp. 9). In addition, this implication â€Å"†¦may arise when a person has been allowed into occupation of property with the intention of creating a tenancy and rent is thereafter paid on a periodic basis. Payment of a weekly rent in such circumstances may create the inference of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Richard Bruno Hauptmann Trial Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Richard Bruno Hauptmann Trial - Case Study Example After two days, the body of the baby was found dead leaving no suspect. The investigation of the crime which includes the autopsy and the ladder has lead to a conclusion of inside job. But two years after the crime was committed, gold certificates were reportedly being used in New York. After how many days, Richard Hauptmann was tracked down and was arrested but stated his innocence in the crime. He informed the investigators that he got the gold certificates from the properties of a friend but he was still charged with the case because more gold certificates were found in his house. Prosecutors laid three aspects involving Hauptmann in the case. First is the ransom bills hidden in Hauptmann's garage. Second is the link of the beam from Hauptmann's loft to the ladder used by the kidnappers and third is the claim of handwriting experts that the handwriting used in the ransom notes were written by the suspect. The 20-month old victim, Charles Lindbergh Jr., was the son of the famous aviator, Charles Lindbergh, and poet and writer, Anne Lindberg. Charles Lindbergh is considered as one of America's hero and is the first man to fly in Atlantic using a one-engine airplane. After the kidnap-murder of the 20-month old Lindbergh baby, many had pitied the family and had supported the investigation up to the trial of the case. But after Hauptmann was sentenced to death, many have doubted the fairness of the trial. The trial of the Lindbergh case was questionable in terms of the following: (a) The missing and distorted evidence. Hauptmann claimed that he worked at the Majestic Apartments at 72nd Street and Central Park West during the day of the crime until 5:00 P.M. giving him no time to travel to New Jersey and commit the kidnapping. The contractor of the accused had signed a receipt proving that Hauptmann was on his work until 5:00 P.M and it was submitted to the Districts Attorney. But during the presentation of the records, the receipt was nowhere to be found. Documents showing that the accused was employed before the day of the crime, were distorted. Also the prosecution changed their testimony that the accused had worked before the crime was committed instead claimed otherwise. (b) Voice recognition When Charles Lindbergh was first asked if he had recognized the voice of the kidnapper during the giving of the ransom, he stated that it is impossible for him to recognize the voice. The following day, when he was again asked, after hearing Hauptmann saying the words said by the kidnappers, he claimed he was very sure that Hauptmann's voice was the kidnapper's voice. (c) Nearly blind eye witness Why would the court allow

Monday, October 28, 2019

Uses of Nursing Theory Essay Example for Free

Uses of Nursing Theory Essay I was fascinated by the quote above for in general, we can never go wrong in a practice that is based on a tested knowledge and guided by theory. Recorded history of Greece first developed its special uses; from Pythagoras to Aristotle, up to present, uses of theory still remains important. Nursing science, like any other field, is a melting pot of care and healing that has been moulded and preserved since the dawn of time. (Octaviano and Balita, 2008) Theory strives to explain the science and art of nursing. Nursing is as varied as the people who practice it, and is dynamic and diverse as kaleidoscope of ethnic, cultural and religious manifestations of people who receive nursing care. It is important that nursing is grounded on accepted scientific truths and principles in order to give safe and quality nursing care. (Octaviano and Balita, 2008) Implied as highly dynamic and undergoes change, as further research and studies are done and as they are enriched by practice, theory can change overtime. However, there are also theories that remain valid despites the passage of time. It is very important that theory guides and improves nursing practice, research and nursing education. Decision making, independent, dependent and interdependent functions, leadership, as well as further education for specializations are only few of vast spectrum nursing concepts that make up nursing theory. Considering my little experience, I would like to illustrate the use of Patricia Benner’s Theory of Skill Acquisition in Nursing. (I considered my current experience/skill as Advance Beginner. ) (Novice) When I was a student nurse on my senior year, I was assigned to take care and monitor newborn undergoing phototherapy. I was instructed by our clinical instructor to monitor the time and frequency the newborn is exposed to photolight, covered baby’s eyes and genitals, assess patient’s hydration by weighing diapers, monitor vital signs, check IV insertions and perform other activities with close supervision from clinical instructor. (Advance Beginner) After graduated, I took the licensure exam and became a registered nurse. I volunteered in a community hospital and Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Neonatal Care (BEMONC) and was hired by DOH-CHD as RN Heals nurse trainee. Months from now, I will be a DR Nurse in a provincial hospital, will be working hard and will aspire to be promoted (LOL) . I will attend seminars and trainings to enhance my skills and knowledge. (Proficient) I will be competent in the clinical area and academe because (two to three years from now), I already finished master’s degree in nursing. (Expert) Seven to eight years from now, I have finished my doctoral degree and will be a chief nurse and a part time professor in a university. (LOL) Theory encourages us to be inquisitive to investigate and explore what more should we know.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Farewell To Arms Essay -- Essays Papers

A Farewell To Arms Ernest Hemmingway’s â€Å" A Farewell To Arms† is classic display of literature. The way he develops his characters is ingenious. In the beginning of the story I did not like the way it was going. As I read deeper into the book, â€Å"A Farewell To Arms† I discovered the complexity of the characters themselves. I discovered that Frederic Henry was a rather complex character as well. When you are finally given the full picture of Frederic Henry, you realize that he can be described in several different ways. First, Frederic Henry is a round and very dynamic character. You also realize that because Mr. Henry’s mannerisms are so easily recognizable, he is a stock character as well. The point of view in the story is written in first person. The first person point of view is that of Frederic Henry. The stories underlying theme is identity. Throughout the whole story Frederic Henry is revealing himself to the audience and discovering himself at the same time. A secondary theme in the story is that Catherine, Frederic’s love interest, is slightly crazy. Throughout the story, I was intrigued by the things that Frederic Henry revealed to the audience. While reading the story it was as if you were right there with Frederic, going through the same things he did, and knowing every intimate detail. The aspects that Frederic Henry display are the aspects of a well developed character and a true war hero. The first aspect I would like to touch on is that Frederic Henry is a well-rounded character. As the story progresses we learn more and more about the character Frederic Henry. Though it may seem like a small point, a good example of how we learn more about Frederic as the story progresses is the fact that he is nameless in the first four chapters. Throughout the first four chapters, Frederic Henry is referred to as â€Å"lieutenant† by his peers and â€Å"baby† by his girlfriend. Its not until chapter five that he is referred to as â€Å"Mr. Henry†. Then we learn his full name, Frederic Henry, in chapter thirteen. Another example of Frederic Henry being a round character is that he is closely involved in just about every part of the story. Of course he would have to be involved in the majority of the story because it’s basically the confession of his life. The entire story we learn about Mr. Henry, and we watch him grow to become a good man. Even when F rederic is not... ...ounded and dynamic character. The fact that Frederic Henry was a stock character made him easy to recognize and therefore made the story easier to follow. Though the story was told through a first person point of view Ernest Hemmingway kept the story interesting by telling it through a plural first person. The underlying theme of the story was identity. Frederic spent the whole story explaining who he was to the audience. The way Frederic told the story, he made it easy for the audience member to identify with him, therefore making it easier for the audience member to put themselves in his place. An interesting secondary theme is the theme that implies Catherine is crazy. Because of things Catherine says and does the crazy theme seems to fit her personality. Throughout the story there is plenty of evidence of all these things and these aspects made the story even better and much more fun to read. Bibliography: Gellens, Jay. Twentieth Century Interpretations of A Farewell To Arms.Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970. Lewis, Robert. A Farewell To Arms (A War With Words). New York, 1992. Monteiro, George. Critical Essays On: Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell To Arms.New York, 1994.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

the misappropriation of events :: essays research papers

The Misappropriation of the events that took place on December 27, 2001 The following report is based solely on the opinions and the feelings of the author and contains vague and dry statements about the education system, school system, those judging, and the institution that we call learning and how it has been affected by this unfortunate incident. For you the reader, I have broken this document down into six ( 6 ) parts. Education System School System Those Judging Learning The law Conclusion and reference Section 1: Education System My education and my fellow assailants education has proven to be a very productive thing in our careers as students. We are all seniors in highschool and we will all be going off to college next year to pursue our futures and continue to expand our minds with learning. It is said that education is the best tool that a person can have under hisher belt and can be used to build the "houses of life". My house of life was looking rather alright until that December day when the "criminals" were captured. ( I say criminals and I express that with captions because that is how the school is treating us†¦ like cold hard criminals ). My education as well as the other three is looking like it is about to hit the rocks right now. I will explain a little more about how it will hit the rocks when I focus on the School System section. I don’t give our system of education any haste in this day and time because the youth of America are being taught all about the world and learning to cope with other cultures as more and more flow in to our country. But they are also being taught about the terrible things that happen in our society ( i.e. crime ). Crime is where we come in. Just a couple of kids, having some fun, spray painting a stupid school. It is just a rivalry thing and we were caught smack dab right in the middle of it all. I know that this section is supposed to be about the education system that we have but it will also be a brief overview of everything that happened. I really don’t feel like scrolling all the way back up to the top of this page to add another section so you will have to bear with me on this one.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing Conflict In The Work Place

Workplace conflict is common in every working environment. It arises from many causes and can have an extremely destructive effect on productivity. Recent studies have even found that in more and more cases it is leading to violence. It is obviously very important for managers to quickly and effectively manage any conflict that arises. 1. 1 The causes of conflict in work are as follows; Conflicting resources, this is when employees are forced to share the use of certain resources.Conflicting styles, everybody works differently according to their own personality, strengths and weaknesses however this can often cause conflict because other employees may not like that particular style of working. Conflicting perceptions, we all see the world differently and differing opinions can often result in conflict. Also, certain people may have access to different or more information than others and so are able to perceive things differently. Conflicting goals, different people in our team may ha ve different goals which they are working towards which could possibly be a hindrance to someone else’s goals.Also, different managers might have different priorities when it comes to how work is completed. Conflicting pressures, is very similar to conflicting goals although usually involves urgent tasks. If you need a staff member or team to complete a piece of work quickly for you but they are already working towards another urgent deadline it puts pressure on the individual or team. Conflicting roles, sometimes staff will have to take on work that they may feel doesn’t fall within their job responsibility, or they may feel that another person is being given a task that should belong to them.Different personal values, a person might be asked to complete a job that conflicts with their ethical values. Unpredictable policies, when polices or practices change within an organisation and those changes are not properly communicated conflict can arise. 1. 2 Stages in the de velopment of conflict are as follows; No conflict, this is the ideal state for an organisation however it is likely that conflict will arise at some point. Latent conflict, people have differing values and ideas and while this is not a problem in itself, it is likely that an event will occur that will make such differences more noticeable and then conflict can arise.Emergence, at this stage team members will start to recognise that they have different ideas and values and difference can start to cause discord and tension. Escalation, if team members involved in conflict cannot find a resolution, conflict can escalate. Tensions will rise and people will start to pick sides. Stalemate, at this point conflict has escalated to a point where tensions are running high and neither party is willing to back down. De-escalation, even the most intense conflict will eventually calm down and parties will reluctantly begin to negotiate. Settlement and resolution, parties will find a solution to t he problem.As a manger you may have to work closely with the team to help reach this stage amicably. Peace building and reconciliation, once parties have reached a solution it is important to repair and strengthen working relationships to prevent future conflict. 1. 3 Explain the effects of conflict on individual and team performance in the workplace. A substantive conflict relates specifically to team performance and goals. Substantive conflicts in the workplace can have a positive impact on individual and team performance by helping to refine best practice and creating a little healthy competition between teams and individuals.Working through conflicts can also be seen as a key phase of group development. However they can cause slower performance if individuals or groups are not working in ways which are compatible with the best and quickest completion of set tasks. An affective conflict tends to be about personal disagreements or dislikes, or in a group setting may relate to the assigned task. These can have a detrimental effect on a group’s ability to work together and communicate with each other effectively. When conflicts are based on personal dislikes and disagreements this can also to exclusion and bullying in the work place and staff forming cliques.This can greatly impact on employee job satisfaction, staff turnover which lead to company prosperity suffering or even litigation. 1. 4 Explain any recognised technique a manger could use to minimise and resolve conflict in the work place. Mediation is one form of conflict resolution were an impartial third party will meet with two conflicting individuals to discuss a settlement. The meeting will be private and confidential and each individual is given an equal footing and encouraged to discuss their issues freely.Mediation is a voluntary process  and conflicting parties are able to work together to find a mutual agreement. There is a high rate of compliance in mediated conflict resolution becaus e both parties have equal say in finding a solution. 1. 5 Describe how a manager could create harmony at work and engender a positive atmosphere in order to minimise the adverse effects of conflict. Firstly and most importantly try to stamp out gossiping. Gossip has the most detrimental effect on workplace harmony. Just listening to gossip, even when not engaging in it will almost certainly affect people’s views and opinions of someone else.Ensure that all employees are treated equally and that you are not seen as playing favourites with certain staff members. Ensure staff have adequate and appropriate resources to complete their work. When hiring new staff, try hire people that you think will be a good fit with the current team. If a team member is not pulling their weight or not working to a high enough standard, make sure this is dealt with quickly to avoid leaving the situation to fester and cause discord. Have an open door policy so your staff feel like they can come to you with any problems and be listened to and supported.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ethical Leadership Essay Sample

Ethical Leadership Essay Sample Ethical Leadership Essay Stories of corrupt and incompetent leaders are increasingly becoming rampant and an obvious tale. Some leaders involve themselves in the most bizarre ethical breaches which tend to shutter an organization’s reputation. These leaders are becoming a true testament of the old adage, â€Å"power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.† Human beings naturally crave control and while most of us are not gifted in leading, everyone tends to think they have what it takes to lead. However, what most fail to realize is that being a leader is not the same as being or gaining a promotion. A leader is defined by the influence one holds over his colleagues, and at times his superiors. Power attracts many and often ends up destroying lives, careers, entire organizations, and even countries. However, one can choose to rise above the greed that is often exhibited as people are struggling for power and integrate ethics with their leadership. Being an ethical leader is not an easy task and often involves a conscious decision to shun backdoors and other shortcuts that are embraced by many. One has to be different and embrace the common principles of trust, respect, fairness, integrity etc. These principles form the foundation of ethical leadership but as stated earlier it takes time to synthesize these into effective actions. This essay will, therefore, focus on how one can synthesize the above values and be regarded as an ethical leader. First of all, one has to strive to set and be an example to his subordinates. It is often said that actions speak louder than words and this statement applies more to leaders than anyone else. Human beings are judgmental but they tend to judge someone based on what they do and not what they say. As a leader, one should be aware that their actions speak more than their words. This means that in order to create an honest culture, one must first be honest. A leader must practice and demonstrate what they feel is best for the organization. If one conducts themselves unselfishly, is honest, respectful and leads in fairness, employees will as well be moved to live up to the standards that are set. By acting ethically, one would have changed an organization’s culture and their leadership would qualify to be regarded as ethical. Secondly, ethical leadership entails a lot of communication with one’s subordinates as well as other colleagues. An ethical leader will always try to create an environment that makes communication, whether horizontal or vertical or diagonal, possible. Employees will always feel respected if their voice is heard and their opinions are taken seriously. No one should be punished for speaking their voice or airing their grievances. Ethical leadership embraces open communication where employees feel free to air their views. Building a relationship with one’s subordinates is key to the success of an organization. However, it is essential to understand that successful relationships are built on trust, openness, fairness, integrity, respect, and compassion. Without the above values involved, employer-employee relationships would be hard and employees will not be at ease to communicate their thoughts regardless of how bad the situation might be. In conclusion, ethical leadership involves caring, respecting, and treating one’s employees or subjects fairly. It does not chest-thumping or the use of force. The truth is, ethical leadership achieves greater success than an authoritative leadership. Ethical leaders will always get the best out of a team but as already stated, it takes time and patience to become one.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Control Japanese Beetles

How to Control Japanese Beetles Japanese beetles do twice the damage of ordinary insect pests. The larvae, called grubs, live in the soil and feed on the roots of grasses and other plants. The adult beetles feed on the leaves and flowers of over 300 trees, shrubs, and herbs. Japanese beetles are the bane of the rose garden and will devour prized hibiscus and hollyhocks, too. Control of Japanese beetles requires an understanding of their life cycle and a two-pronged attack- one strategy for the grubs, and one for the beetles. The Japanese Beetle Life Cycle To control Japanese beetles effectively, its important to know when theyre active. Using a pest control product at the wrong time of the pests life cycle is a waste of time and money. So first, a quick primer on the Japanese beetle life cycle. Spring:  Mature beetle grubs become active, feeding on turfgrass roots and damaging lawns. They will continue feeding until early summer.Summer:  Adult beetles begin to emerge, usually in late June, and remain active throughout the summer. Japanese beetles will feed on garden plants, doing considerable damage when present in large numbers. During the summer, the beetles also mate. Females excavate soil cavities and deposit their eggs by late summer.Fall:  Young grubs hatch in late summer, and feed on grass roots through the fall. Mature grubs become inactive as cold weather approaches.Winter:  Mature grubs spend the winter months in the soil. How to Control Japanese Beetle Grubs Biological Control: Lawn areas can be treated with an application of milky disease spores, spores of the bacterium Paenibacillus  popilliae  (aka  Bacillus  popillae). The grubs ingest these bacterial spores, which germinate and reproduce within the grubs body and ultimately kill it. Over several years time, the milky spore bacteria builds up in the soil and acts to suppress grub infestations. No chemical pesticides should be used on the lawn simultaneously, as this can affect the milky spores efficacy. Another naturally-occurring bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis japonensis (BTJ) may also be used to control Japanese beetle grubs. BTJ is applied to the soil, and grubs ingest it. Btj destroys the grubs digestive system and ultimately kills the larva. A beneficial nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, also works to control Japanese beetle grubs. Nematodes are microscopic parasitic roundworms that transport and feed on bacteria. When they find a grub, the nematodes penetrate the larva and inoculate it with bacteria, which quickly multiply within the grubs body. The nematode then feeds on the bacteria. Chemical Control: Some chemical pesticides are registered for control of Japanese beetle grubs. These pesticides should be applied in July or August when young grubs are feeding. Consult a pest control expert or your local agricultural extension office for specific information on selecting and using pesticides for grub control. How to Control Japanese Beetle Adults Physical Control: Where there is one Japanese beetle, there will soon be ten, so hand picking the earliest arrivals can help keep numbers down significantly. In the early morning, beetles are sluggish and can be shaken from branches into a bucket of soapy water. If Japanese beetle populations are high in your area, beetle control may include making smart decisions about what to plant in your yard. Japanese beetles love roses, grapes, lindens, sassafras, Japanese maple, and purple-leaf plums, so these plants should be avoided if Japanese beetle damage is a concern. Garden centers and hardware stores sell pheromone traps for Japanese beetles. Research shows these traps are generally ineffective for use in the home garden, and may actually attract more beetles to your plants. Chemical Control: Some chemical pesticides are registered for control of Japanese beetle adults. These pesticides are applied to the foliage of susceptible plants. Consult a pest control expert or your local agricultural extension office for specific information on selecting and using pesticides for Japanese beetle adult control.