Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Richard Bruno Hauptmann Trial Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Richard Bruno Hauptmann Trial - Case Study Example After two days, the body of the baby was found dead leaving no suspect. The investigation of the crime which includes the autopsy and the ladder has lead to a conclusion of inside job. But two years after the crime was committed, gold certificates were reportedly being used in New York. After how many days, Richard Hauptmann was tracked down and was arrested but stated his innocence in the crime. He informed the investigators that he got the gold certificates from the properties of a friend but he was still charged with the case because more gold certificates were found in his house. Prosecutors laid three aspects involving Hauptmann in the case. First is the ransom bills hidden in Hauptmann's garage. Second is the link of the beam from Hauptmann's loft to the ladder used by the kidnappers and third is the claim of handwriting experts that the handwriting used in the ransom notes were written by the suspect. The 20-month old victim, Charles Lindbergh Jr., was the son of the famous aviator, Charles Lindbergh, and poet and writer, Anne Lindberg. Charles Lindbergh is considered as one of America's hero and is the first man to fly in Atlantic using a one-engine airplane. After the kidnap-murder of the 20-month old Lindbergh baby, many had pitied the family and had supported the investigation up to the trial of the case. But after Hauptmann was sentenced to death, many have doubted the fairness of the trial. The trial of the Lindbergh case was questionable in terms of the following: (a) The missing and distorted evidence. Hauptmann claimed that he worked at the Majestic Apartments at 72nd Street and Central Park West during the day of the crime until 5:00 P.M. giving him no time to travel to New Jersey and commit the kidnapping. The contractor of the accused had signed a receipt proving that Hauptmann was on his work until 5:00 P.M and it was submitted to the Districts Attorney. But during the presentation of the records, the receipt was nowhere to be found. Documents showing that the accused was employed before the day of the crime, were distorted. Also the prosecution changed their testimony that the accused had worked before the crime was committed instead claimed otherwise. (b) Voice recognition When Charles Lindbergh was first asked if he had recognized the voice of the kidnapper during the giving of the ransom, he stated that it is impossible for him to recognize the voice. The following day, when he was again asked, after hearing Hauptmann saying the words said by the kidnappers, he claimed he was very sure that Hauptmann's voice was the kidnapper's voice. (c) Nearly blind eye witness Why would the court allow
Monday, October 28, 2019
Uses of Nursing Theory Essay Example for Free
Uses of Nursing Theory Essay I was fascinated by the quote above for in general, we can never go wrong in a practice that is based on a tested knowledge and guided by theory. Recorded history of Greece first developed its special uses; from Pythagoras to Aristotle, up to present, uses of theory still remains important. Nursing science, like any other field, is a melting pot of care and healing that has been moulded and preserved since the dawn of time. (Octaviano and Balita, 2008) Theory strives to explain the science and art of nursing. Nursing is as varied as the people who practice it, and is dynamic and diverse as kaleidoscope of ethnic, cultural and religious manifestations of people who receive nursing care. It is important that nursing is grounded on accepted scientific truths and principles in order to give safe and quality nursing care. (Octaviano and Balita, 2008) Implied as highly dynamic and undergoes change, as further research and studies are done and as they are enriched by practice, theory can change overtime. However, there are also theories that remain valid despites the passage of time. It is very important that theory guides and improves nursing practice, research and nursing education. Decision making, independent, dependent and interdependent functions, leadership, as well as further education for specializations are only few of vast spectrum nursing concepts that make up nursing theory. Considering my little experience, I would like to illustrate the use of Patricia Benner’s Theory of Skill Acquisition in Nursing. (I considered my current experience/skill as Advance Beginner. ) (Novice) When I was a student nurse on my senior year, I was assigned to take care and monitor newborn undergoing phototherapy. I was instructed by our clinical instructor to monitor the time and frequency the newborn is exposed to photolight, covered baby’s eyes and genitals, assess patient’s hydration by weighing diapers, monitor vital signs, check IV insertions and perform other activities with close supervision from clinical instructor. (Advance Beginner) After graduated, I took the licensure exam and became a registered nurse. I volunteered in a community hospital and Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Neonatal Care (BEMONC) and was hired by DOH-CHD as RN Heals nurse trainee. Months from now, I will be a DR Nurse in a provincial hospital, will be working hard and will aspire to be promoted (LOL) . I will attend seminars and trainings to enhance my skills and knowledge. (Proficient) I will be competent in the clinical area and academe because (two to three years from now), I already finished master’s degree in nursing. (Expert) Seven to eight years from now, I have finished my doctoral degree and will be a chief nurse and a part time professor in a university. (LOL) Theory encourages us to be inquisitive to investigate and explore what more should we know.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
A Farewell To Arms Essay -- Essays Papers
A Farewell To Arms Ernest Hemmingway’s â€Å" A Farewell To Arms†is classic display of literature. The way he develops his characters is ingenious. In the beginning of the story I did not like the way it was going. As I read deeper into the book, â€Å"A Farewell To Arms†I discovered the complexity of the characters themselves. I discovered that Frederic Henry was a rather complex character as well. When you are finally given the full picture of Frederic Henry, you realize that he can be described in several different ways. First, Frederic Henry is a round and very dynamic character. You also realize that because Mr. Henry’s mannerisms are so easily recognizable, he is a stock character as well. The point of view in the story is written in first person. The first person point of view is that of Frederic Henry. The stories underlying theme is identity. Throughout the whole story Frederic Henry is revealing himself to the audience and discovering himself at the same time. A secondary theme in the story is that Catherine, Frederic’s love interest, is slightly crazy. Throughout the story, I was intrigued by the things that Frederic Henry revealed to the audience. While reading the story it was as if you were right there with Frederic, going through the same things he did, and knowing every intimate detail. The aspects that Frederic Henry display are the aspects of a well developed character and a true war hero. The first aspect I would like to touch on is that Frederic Henry is a well-rounded character. As the story progresses we learn more and more about the character Frederic Henry. Though it may seem like a small point, a good example of how we learn more about Frederic as the story progresses is the fact that he is nameless in the first four chapters. Throughout the first four chapters, Frederic Henry is referred to as â€Å"lieutenant†by his peers and â€Å"baby†by his girlfriend. Its not until chapter five that he is referred to as â€Å"Mr. Henry†. Then we learn his full name, Frederic Henry, in chapter thirteen. Another example of Frederic Henry being a round character is that he is closely involved in just about every part of the story. Of course he would have to be involved in the majority of the story because it’s basically the confession of his life. The entire story we learn about Mr. Henry, and we watch him grow to become a good man. Even when F rederic is not... ...ounded and dynamic character. The fact that Frederic Henry was a stock character made him easy to recognize and therefore made the story easier to follow. Though the story was told through a first person point of view Ernest Hemmingway kept the story interesting by telling it through a plural first person. The underlying theme of the story was identity. Frederic spent the whole story explaining who he was to the audience. The way Frederic told the story, he made it easy for the audience member to identify with him, therefore making it easier for the audience member to put themselves in his place. An interesting secondary theme is the theme that implies Catherine is crazy. Because of things Catherine says and does the crazy theme seems to fit her personality. Throughout the story there is plenty of evidence of all these things and these aspects made the story even better and much more fun to read. Bibliography: Gellens, Jay. Twentieth Century Interpretations of A Farewell To Arms.Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970. Lewis, Robert. A Farewell To Arms (A War With Words). New York, 1992. Monteiro, George. Critical Essays On: Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell To Arms.New York, 1994.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
the misappropriation of events :: essays research papers
The Misappropriation of the events that took place on December 27, 2001 The following report is based solely on the opinions and the feelings of the author and contains vague and dry statements about the education system, school system, those judging, and the institution that we call learning and how it has been affected by this unfortunate incident. For you the reader, I have broken this document down into six ( 6 ) parts. Education System School System Those Judging Learning The law Conclusion and reference Section 1: Education System My education and my fellow assailants education has proven to be a very productive thing in our careers as students. We are all seniors in highschool and we will all be going off to college next year to pursue our futures and continue to expand our minds with learning. It is said that education is the best tool that a person can have under hisher belt and can be used to build the "houses of life". My house of life was looking rather alright until that December day when the "criminals" were captured. ( I say criminals and I express that with captions because that is how the school is treating us†¦ like cold hard criminals ). My education as well as the other three is looking like it is about to hit the rocks right now. I will explain a little more about how it will hit the rocks when I focus on the School System section. I don’t give our system of education any haste in this day and time because the youth of America are being taught all about the world and learning to cope with other cultures as more and more flow in to our country. But they are also being taught about the terrible things that happen in our society ( i.e. crime ). Crime is where we come in. Just a couple of kids, having some fun, spray painting a stupid school. It is just a rivalry thing and we were caught smack dab right in the middle of it all. I know that this section is supposed to be about the education system that we have but it will also be a brief overview of everything that happened. I really don’t feel like scrolling all the way back up to the top of this page to add another section so you will have to bear with me on this one.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Managing Conflict In The Work Place
Workplace conflict is common in every working environment. It arises from many causes and can have an extremely destructive effect on productivity. Recent studies have even found that in more and more cases it is leading to violence. It is obviously very important for managers to quickly and effectively manage any conflict that arises. 1. 1 The causes of conflict in work are as follows; Conflicting resources, this is when employees are forced to share the use of certain resources.Conflicting styles, everybody works differently according to their own personality, strengths and weaknesses however this can often cause conflict because other employees may not like that particular style of working. Conflicting perceptions, we all see the world differently and differing opinions can often result in conflict. Also, certain people may have access to different or more information than others and so are able to perceive things differently. Conflicting goals, different people in our team may ha ve different goals which they are working towards which could possibly be a hindrance to someone else’s goals.Also, different managers might have different priorities when it comes to how work is completed. Conflicting pressures, is very similar to conflicting goals although usually involves urgent tasks. If you need a staff member or team to complete a piece of work quickly for you but they are already working towards another urgent deadline it puts pressure on the individual or team. Conflicting roles, sometimes staff will have to take on work that they may feel doesn’t fall within their job responsibility, or they may feel that another person is being given a task that should belong to them.Different personal values, a person might be asked to complete a job that conflicts with their ethical values. Unpredictable policies, when polices or practices change within an organisation and those changes are not properly communicated conflict can arise. 1. 2 Stages in the de velopment of conflict are as follows; No conflict, this is the ideal state for an organisation however it is likely that conflict will arise at some point. Latent conflict, people have differing values and ideas and while this is not a problem in itself, it is likely that an event will occur that will make such differences more noticeable and then conflict can arise.Emergence, at this stage team members will start to recognise that they have different ideas and values and difference can start to cause discord and tension. Escalation, if team members involved in conflict cannot find a resolution, conflict can escalate. Tensions will rise and people will start to pick sides. Stalemate, at this point conflict has escalated to a point where tensions are running high and neither party is willing to back down. De-escalation, even the most intense conflict will eventually calm down and parties will reluctantly begin to negotiate. Settlement and resolution, parties will find a solution to t he problem.As a manger you may have to work closely with the team to help reach this stage amicably. Peace building and reconciliation, once parties have reached a solution it is important to repair and strengthen working relationships to prevent future conflict. 1. 3 Explain the effects of conflict on individual and team performance in the workplace. A substantive conflict relates specifically to team performance and goals. Substantive conflicts in the workplace can have a positive impact on individual and team performance by helping to refine best practice and creating a little healthy competition between teams and individuals.Working through conflicts can also be seen as a key phase of group development. However they can cause slower performance if individuals or groups are not working in ways which are compatible with the best and quickest completion of set tasks. An affective conflict tends to be about personal disagreements or dislikes, or in a group setting may relate to the assigned task. These can have a detrimental effect on a group’s ability to work together and communicate with each other effectively. When conflicts are based on personal dislikes and disagreements this can also to exclusion and bullying in the work place and staff forming cliques.This can greatly impact on employee job satisfaction, staff turnover which lead to company prosperity suffering or even litigation. 1. 4 Explain any recognised technique a manger could use to minimise and resolve conflict in the work place. Mediation is one form of conflict resolution were an impartial third party will meet with two conflicting individuals to discuss a settlement. The meeting will be private and confidential and each individual is given an equal footing and encouraged to discuss their issues freely.Mediation is a voluntary process and conflicting parties are able to work together to find a mutual agreement. There is a high rate of compliance in mediated conflict resolution becaus e both parties have equal say in finding a solution. 1. 5 Describe how a manager could create harmony at work and engender a positive atmosphere in order to minimise the adverse effects of conflict. Firstly and most importantly try to stamp out gossiping. Gossip has the most detrimental effect on workplace harmony. Just listening to gossip, even when not engaging in it will almost certainly affect people’s views and opinions of someone else.Ensure that all employees are treated equally and that you are not seen as playing favourites with certain staff members. Ensure staff have adequate and appropriate resources to complete their work. When hiring new staff, try hire people that you think will be a good fit with the current team. If a team member is not pulling their weight or not working to a high enough standard, make sure this is dealt with quickly to avoid leaving the situation to fester and cause discord. Have an open door policy so your staff feel like they can come to you with any problems and be listened to and supported.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Ethical Leadership Essay Sample
Ethical Leadership Essay Sample Ethical Leadership Essay Stories of corrupt and incompetent leaders are increasingly becoming rampant and an obvious tale. Some leaders involve themselves in the most bizarre ethical breaches which tend to shutter an organization’s reputation. These leaders are becoming a true testament of the old adage, â€Å"power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.†Human beings naturally crave control and while most of us are not gifted in leading, everyone tends to think they have what it takes to lead. However, what most fail to realize is that being a leader is not the same as being or gaining a promotion. A leader is defined by the influence one holds over his colleagues, and at times his superiors. Power attracts many and often ends up destroying lives, careers, entire organizations, and even countries. However, one can choose to rise above the greed that is often exhibited as people are struggling for power and integrate ethics with their leadership. Being an ethical leader is not an easy task and often involves a conscious decision to shun backdoors and other shortcuts that are embraced by many. One has to be different and embrace the common principles of trust, respect, fairness, integrity etc. These principles form the foundation of ethical leadership but as stated earlier it takes time to synthesize these into effective actions. This essay will, therefore, focus on how one can synthesize the above values and be regarded as an ethical leader. First of all, one has to strive to set and be an example to his subordinates. It is often said that actions speak louder than words and this statement applies more to leaders than anyone else. Human beings are judgmental but they tend to judge someone based on what they do and not what they say. As a leader, one should be aware that their actions speak more than their words. This means that in order to create an honest culture, one must first be honest. A leader must practice and demonstrate what they feel is best for the organization. If one conducts themselves unselfishly, is honest, respectful and leads in fairness, employees will as well be moved to live up to the standards that are set. By acting ethically, one would have changed an organization’s culture and their leadership would qualify to be regarded as ethical. Secondly, ethical leadership entails a lot of communication with one’s subordinates as well as other colleagues. An ethical leader will always try to create an environment that makes communication, whether horizontal or vertical or diagonal, possible. Employees will always feel respected if their voice is heard and their opinions are taken seriously. No one should be punished for speaking their voice or airing their grievances. Ethical leadership embraces open communication where employees feel free to air their views. Building a relationship with one’s subordinates is key to the success of an organization. However, it is essential to understand that successful relationships are built on trust, openness, fairness, integrity, respect, and compassion. Without the above values involved, employer-employee relationships would be hard and employees will not be at ease to communicate their thoughts regardless of how bad the situation might be. In conclusion, ethical leadership involves caring, respecting, and treating one’s employees or subjects fairly. It does not chest-thumping or the use of force. The truth is, ethical leadership achieves greater success than an authoritative leadership. Ethical leaders will always get the best out of a team but as already stated, it takes time and patience to become one.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Control Japanese Beetles
How to Control Japanese Beetles Japanese beetles do twice the damage of ordinary insect pests. The larvae, called grubs, live in the soil and feed on the roots of grasses and other plants. The adult beetles feed on the leaves and flowers of over 300 trees, shrubs, and herbs. Japanese beetles are the bane of the rose garden and will devour prized hibiscus and hollyhocks, too. Control of Japanese beetles requires an understanding of their life cycle and a two-pronged attack- one strategy for the grubs, and one for the beetles. The Japanese Beetle Life Cycle To control Japanese beetles effectively, its important to know when theyre active. Using a pest control product at the wrong time of the pests life cycle is a waste of time and money. So first, a quick primer on the Japanese beetle life cycle. Spring: Mature beetle grubs become active, feeding on turfgrass roots and damaging lawns. They will continue feeding until early summer.Summer: Adult beetles begin to emerge, usually in late June, and remain active throughout the summer. Japanese beetles will feed on garden plants, doing considerable damage when present in large numbers. During the summer, the beetles also mate. Females excavate soil cavities and deposit their eggs by late summer.Fall: Young grubs hatch in late summer, and feed on grass roots through the fall. Mature grubs become inactive as cold weather approaches.Winter: Mature grubs spend the winter months in the soil. How to Control Japanese Beetle Grubs Biological Control: Lawn areas can be treated with an application of milky disease spores, spores of the bacterium Paenibacillus popilliae (aka Bacillus popillae). The grubs ingest these bacterial spores, which germinate and reproduce within the grubs body and ultimately kill it. Over several years time, the milky spore bacteria builds up in the soil and acts to suppress grub infestations. No chemical pesticides should be used on the lawn simultaneously, as this can affect the milky spores efficacy. Another naturally-occurring bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis japonensis (BTJ) may also be used to control Japanese beetle grubs. BTJ is applied to the soil, and grubs ingest it. Btj destroys the grubs digestive system and ultimately kills the larva. A beneficial nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, also works to control Japanese beetle grubs. Nematodes are microscopic parasitic roundworms that transport and feed on bacteria. When they find a grub, the nematodes penetrate the larva and inoculate it with bacteria, which quickly multiply within the grubs body. The nematode then feeds on the bacteria. Chemical Control: Some chemical pesticides are registered for control of Japanese beetle grubs. These pesticides should be applied in July or August when young grubs are feeding. Consult a pest control expert or your local agricultural extension office for specific information on selecting and using pesticides for grub control. How to Control Japanese Beetle Adults Physical Control: Where there is one Japanese beetle, there will soon be ten, so hand picking the earliest arrivals can help keep numbers down significantly. In the early morning, beetles are sluggish and can be shaken from branches into a bucket of soapy water. If Japanese beetle populations are high in your area, beetle control may include making smart decisions about what to plant in your yard. Japanese beetles love roses, grapes, lindens, sassafras, Japanese maple, and purple-leaf plums, so these plants should be avoided if Japanese beetle damage is a concern. Garden centers and hardware stores sell pheromone traps for Japanese beetles. Research shows these traps are generally ineffective for use in the home garden, and may actually attract more beetles to your plants. Chemical Control: Some chemical pesticides are registered for control of Japanese beetle adults. These pesticides are applied to the foliage of susceptible plants. Consult a pest control expert or your local agricultural extension office for specific information on selecting and using pesticides for Japanese beetle adult control.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Jan Tschichold essays
Jan Tschichold essays One only needs to go back to the turn of the twentieth century to discover the roots and intertwining movements that led to what we call today the Modern Movement. The great breakthrough period a stretch of almost twenty years, that separates modern typography from earlier typographics, started with the publication of the Futurist manifesto in 1909 and peaked in the late twenties.Futurism was a violent reaction by artists and writers against the status quo which symbolised failure to make life worth living. The advent of photography, economic and social forces and new philosophical attitudes also contributed to the development of new attitudes toward communication design. The Futurists ignored the constraints of metal typography and letterpress printing. Horizontalism was out, Type at any angle was in. The big thing in Futurist design was shock and contrast. Another major departure from straight realistic thinking was the development in the early 1900s of Cubism. This art represented objects (that werent totally abstract) in a new way, Still life was now envisioned as a compromise of shape and shifting volumes of planes. This was a strong departure from the 400 year old Renaissance tradition. Unlike Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Art Nouveau, Cubism focused on geometric stylizations that moved away from detail but played on technique and style, as to overwhelm the subject. With the outbreak of Futurism the evolution in painting,poetry and prose became a revolution. The split between what the artists eyes saw and the poets mind understood and what and how they painted and wrote became a casm. Several other movements continued this break with realistic representation by image or word. They were Dadaism, Surrealism, and Non-representational art. Parallel to these developments in extreme art , the Eastern and Western areas of Europe were making attempts to capture the vitality of the new art forms, whil...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Product Packaging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Product Packaging - Essay Example The combination of paper and plastic to package ice cream is relatively desirable, economical and convenient. The types of ice cream intended to market are creams, cones and bars. The ice cream categories include; frozen yogurt, dessert toppings, ice cream and novelties. Similarly, the sizes of the ice cream are; 3.5 oz for creams, 5.0 oz for ice cream bars and 4.5 oz for ice cream cones. These packaging materials can conform to any size and shape (Albert 16). In addition, it is essential to ensure that the packaging criteria favor all serving size options such as; retail, pints, scrounds, family and single consumers. According to the laws and regulations governing labeling in France, the labels on the food products must be visible, easy to understand, not edible and easy to see. Furthermore, the list of ingredients must be shown, the original place of the product and the storage condition. Similarly, the expiry date must be clearly indicated, and the percentage content of alcohol in the ice cream should be included. Ice cream with alcoholic content should indicate a warning (Castellani 30). In this regard, it should not be sold to persons below the age of 18, according to the minimum age as illustrated by the French law on alcohol. Various companies in France have different packaging techniques. For example, Unilever and Ben & Jerrys have to deep-frozen the ice cream after production and it takes the shape of the equipment used to freeze (Baker 24). The ice cream of this company is differentiated from those of its competitors since the company uses packaging materials that conform to different shapes and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Human Resource Planning and Organizational Strategy Research Paper
Human Resource Planning and Organizational Strategy - Research Paper Example As such, human resource planning activities complements strategic development and implementation (Plunkett et. al., 2013). Human resource planning is the element of the staffing process that involves the assessment of an organization’s employees, predicts future needs and examines the need to retain or add employees. Recruitment involves identifying qualified potential employees. The element of selection has to do with examining candidates and hiring the ones who are best qualified and suitable for the job. In orientation, newly hired employees are acquainted with the environment within the organization. Training and development is the element of the staffing process that involves equipping employees with new knowledge, skills and competencies to facilitate and improve their performance. Through performance appraisal, the human resource management devises ways of assessing how well employees do in their jobs and how to reward them. Compensation is an important element of the staffing process that helps set employees’ payments and benefits. Employment decisions are the eighth element of sta ffing process that helps determine which employees are to be fired, laid off or promoted (Nelson & Public Library Association, 2008). The element of human resource planning corresponds to the human resource planning activity of assessing an organization’s staffing needs. Staffing process’ element of recruitment exemplifies one of the most important activities of human resource planning of getting new employees for the organization. Selection and orientation are the steps that follow the human resource planning activity of assessing the organization’s staffing needs. The human resource activity of budgeting complements the elements of the staffing process including training and development, performance appraisal and compensation. The element of employment decisions is encompassed
Fidel Castro of Cuba (1959-2008) Research Paper
Fidel Castro of Cuba (1959-2008) - Research Paper Example Fidel Castro is the former political leader of Cuba; he has served tenure of governance from 1959 to 2008. Fidel Castro is popularly known for the Cuban revolution which brought him to power largely by public support. As with all revolutions, two perceptions of Fidel Castro commonly exist in recollections – one portrays him as a heroic leader rescuing his people from the evils of social inequalities and another portrays him as a blood-thirsty lunatic hound shooting his people just to avenge the disagreement with or disobedience for his thoughts. â€Å"The seed of revolution is repression†(Wilson). When the public realizes that they are being oppressed by the laws formulated for their betterment, an uprising or rebellion is most sure to follow. However, more often revolutions are long drawn and tiring as governments refuse to let go of power and public refuses to be led into deterioration. â€Å"It is impossible to predict the time and progress of revolution. It is governed by its own more or less mysterious laws†(Lenin). It is needless to say those in power consider the uprising as evil while those in oppression consider the powerful as evil. Fidel Castro was the son of an illiterate sugar plantation owner. His parents wanted him to get education and eventually enrolled him in a boarding school. His teachers soon realized that Castro was an intelligent student and all-rounder athlete. He graduated in Law and initiated his practice as a lawyer in Havana, the capital of Cuba (Simkin). The conditions that led to his rule stemmed from his inclination to uptake court cases of poor and oppressed individuals who could not afford to pay him adequately. Consequently, Castro was financially unstable. However, this instability and the increasing numbers of cases with poor people involved made Castro realize the injustice prevalent against the Cuban nationals (Simkin). At the time, United States had a large holding in Cuba lands in the form of business properties. Most of those benefitting from these economic activities were foreign people while the vast majority of Cuban people were forced to live in poverty or difficult conditions. Castro saw this as an abuse of Cuban resources and people and set off on his political journey to rectify this error (Simkin). Castro was able to gain control of the governance through his political and rebellious course of action. Initially, he joined Cuban People’s Party in 1947 to put in his efforts in the social revival of Cuba. The party’s motives largely attracted Castro as these were consistent with his own goals. The party pressed for reforms whereby the corruption and injustice would be rectified, unemployment and poverty catered to and obnoxiously low wages looked on for improvements. His patriotism and passion quickly brought him to the forefront of the team. His interpersonal skills made him a hero in the eyes of numerous Cuban people who supported him in his motives till the very end (Simkin). In 1952 when the elections were scheduled to be held, Castro was a member of Congress for the Cuban People’s Party. This party was the most liable to be selected for the formation of the upcoming government. However, General Fulgencio Batista intervened in the elections with the help of armed forces and took over the control of the country’s affairs. This infuriated Castro and his fellow members. He was soon seen plotting against Batista’s make-do governance. Within a year in 1953, Cas tro attacked the Moncada Army Barracks with the help of 123 other individuals, both men and women (Nosotro, 2010). With a compliance of only 123 individuals, Castro did not stand a chance against the organized armed forces of Batista. Soon the rebellion was suppressed with eight killings during the battle and numerous killings after that. Castro repeatedly got lucky when those individuals in charge of him continually disobeyed orders of assassinating him. The news quickly
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Article Review, Scaffolding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Article Review, Scaffolding - Essay Example A qualitative research approach was used for the program. A phonemic awareness lesson taught by a preschool teacher was taken for analysis which showed that children picked randomly were unable to comprehend or understand phonemics of words. Several factors, such as socio-cultural, non-understanding of the teacher’s instructions, or of the words used or what they are exactly required to do, could be the reason for the silent responses of these children. Hence support systems that could be provided by the teachers were worked upon which lead to devising the scaffolding method of creating phonemic awareness, which is reviewed in this article. Through the process of scaffolding teachers provide a support system, through comments and instructions, to children to complete a given task. It is not a random assignment process as it is tailor-made for each child depending on their inherent ability to perform the task. Keeping in mind the outcomes that could be expected from children wh o have varying grasping and performing abilities, three levels of scaffolding have been proposed. Beginning with children who have the least ability to grasp what is being told up to children who have a good grasping power, each level in scaffolding provides specific help to the children until the desired result is obtained. The authors have provided a transcript which outlines how the three levels of scaffolding have been used with children in a preschool classroom. However the effect size in this study is too small to ascertain the reach of this process among children. The three levels of scaffolding explained in the article include: intense, moderate and minimum. In the case of intense scaffolding the beginning phoneme is isolated and the teacher emphasizes on the phoneme while saying the word. In addition the teacher also instructs the children to watch them as
San Diego Geologic History and Natural Hazards Summary Research Paper
San Diego Geologic History and Natural Hazards Summary - Research Paper Example The contact experienced between these geologic regions is irregular and this reflects the ancient area topography before being buried by the thick sequence of Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks that was deposited by ancient seas and ancient rivers over the last 75 million years (Abbott, P, 23) Both these rocks with their existing biological record such as the fossils, document the biological and geological evolution of this western North America part. It is recorded that at a certain point in time, there was an ancient oceanic crustal plate consumption that created volcanic islands archipelago and also this same plate subduction generated massive magma volumes which in the later stage congealed in the crust that resulted to plutonic rock. It is also observed that local rocks record an early period when erosion unroofed and tectonic forces uplifted the plutonic rocks that were deeply buried forming a rugged and steep mountainous coastline. This is similar to the one present today along the west coast of South America. Also recorded are periods of subtropical climates and higher rainfall that supported coastal rain forests with exotic floras and faunas; relentless erosion, drowned coastlines periods and great rivers; periods of extreme renewed and aridity volcanism; widespread crustal shear and faulting periods and the new seaways formation (Bergen et al, 34). The above are just some of the stories of geology preserved in the San Diego County. Deciphering the biological and geological record is a process that is ongoing and every year brings new insights and new discoveries. Geographical regions of San Diego affected by Natural Hazards The processes of natural geology which represent a hazard to health, property or life are taken to be geologic hazards. Natural geologic hazards which affect property and people in San Diego County include earthquakes that can result to ground shaking, liquefaction and surface fault rupture, expansive weathering soils, and phenomena mass wasting such as rockfalls and landslides (Bray and Kelson,5).The hazard of surface rupture has been identified as Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones (AP Zones). Two major AP Zones extend to southeast from northwest across the northeast half of the County, the San Jacinto and Elsinore fault zones; present the highest fault-rupture threat in the unincorporated San Diego County part (Anderson et al,13).Liquefaction primarily occurs in loose, saturated and fine to medium-grained soils in places where the groundwater table is basically at most 50-feet below the surface. There may be a potent ial for liquefaction within the County in areas with loose sandy soils together with a shallow groundwater table, that are typically located in floodplains and alluvial river basins/ valleys. Previous landslides together with landslide-prone sedimentary formations are located in western unincorporated County portions( Bowman,21). However, it is known that landslides can as well take place in the granitic terrain in the eastern County area, despite the prevalence is so minimal (URS, 2004). Most of the landslides that are significant have happened along coastal bluffs and other areas within incorporated County parts (URS, 2004). Existing landslides reactivations can be triggered by situations that include irrigation or heavy rainfall, seismic shaking or grading. Particular clay soils types normally shrink when dried
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Article Review, Scaffolding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Article Review, Scaffolding - Essay Example A qualitative research approach was used for the program. A phonemic awareness lesson taught by a preschool teacher was taken for analysis which showed that children picked randomly were unable to comprehend or understand phonemics of words. Several factors, such as socio-cultural, non-understanding of the teacher’s instructions, or of the words used or what they are exactly required to do, could be the reason for the silent responses of these children. Hence support systems that could be provided by the teachers were worked upon which lead to devising the scaffolding method of creating phonemic awareness, which is reviewed in this article. Through the process of scaffolding teachers provide a support system, through comments and instructions, to children to complete a given task. It is not a random assignment process as it is tailor-made for each child depending on their inherent ability to perform the task. Keeping in mind the outcomes that could be expected from children wh o have varying grasping and performing abilities, three levels of scaffolding have been proposed. Beginning with children who have the least ability to grasp what is being told up to children who have a good grasping power, each level in scaffolding provides specific help to the children until the desired result is obtained. The authors have provided a transcript which outlines how the three levels of scaffolding have been used with children in a preschool classroom. However the effect size in this study is too small to ascertain the reach of this process among children. The three levels of scaffolding explained in the article include: intense, moderate and minimum. In the case of intense scaffolding the beginning phoneme is isolated and the teacher emphasizes on the phoneme while saying the word. In addition the teacher also instructs the children to watch them as
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Review of Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Review of Fahrenheit 451 - Essay Example This point is brought home when there is a nuclear war that happens to Mildred and others, that nobody really knew was coming, because nobody was reading anything and staying informed. The television shows which were on tv in this alternative world were not informative at all – the entertainment on the TV is considered to be insipid and as having no depth. Therefore, even though Montag tries to talk to Mildred and her friends, it is difficult to do, as they are not interested in much of anything and only have trivial knowledge about the world and politics. So, since the people are not aware of what is going on, the government is able to do what they want to the people, and the people are not going to protest and try to stop it, because they do not know that it is about to happen. That was the point of showing the advent of the nuclear bomb at the end of the book – this shows what happens when people are not allowed to read.This is one of the themes. Another theme, of co urse, is the dangers of censorship. There seems to be issues with today's society, where there is censorship going on in places. Individuals want books taken off of school shelves because the content of the books are deemed not suitable for their children to read. Which is all well and good, except that they don't want other children to read these books either, which is not good. A parent may decide for him or herself that a certain book isn't suitable for the individual child, but this is not what they want. They want the books to be off-limit to all. Bradbury obviously does not believe in this practice, and he shows the books burning. Censorship is related to not knowing what is going on, and it is not difficult to imagine why this would be so. Because, the fact of the matter is, there is going to be content that is objectionable to somebody or another, because there is going to be aspects of life which are objectionable. But, if one shuts their eyes to what is objectionable, then the people will shut their eyes to all that is bad in the world. This, too, will result in the government being able to do what they want to the people. So, this is how censorship is bad for society, and Bradbury captures this perfectly. Therefore, the two major themes, which are related, were the dangers of censorship and the dangers of apathy. Apathy came from censorship, in part, but one gets the feeling that Mildred and her friends would be apathetic even if there wasn't censorship. Which brings the review to another aspect of Bradbury's tale which was effective, and that was characterization. Each of the characters represented some kind of archetype that would exist in such a dystopian future. They represent aspects of society which exist now in some form. Mildred and her friends, for instance, are representative of the apathetic people in society. The ones who do not care currently what is going on around them, but will memorize every episode of something insipid on televisio n. These people are legion, really, and this is what Mildred and her friends represent. Montag represents the individuals in society who try to observe law and order, but fail to do so, because the law is unjust. Montag is a fireman, who sets fire to books, which means that he was a part of the problem. Yet, he also was questioning, and eventually was the one who tries to buck society. He's active in doing this, so he represents the
Gothic Art Essay Example for Free
Gothic Art Essay Gothic art refers to an art movement in the middle ages (Van de Bogart 70) that started in France around 1140 (the time that the ambulatory of the Church of Saint-Denis was constructed [Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†]) and lasted up until late 16th century throughout Europe (Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†). In this paper, an introduction to Gothic art, with a concentration on Gothic church architecture, shall be discussed. To effectively provide an overview of this artistic style, this paper shall tackle the following: the roots of the term, â€Å"gothic†; a discussion of the characteristics of Gothic architecture; conclusion. Explaining the Term, â€Å"Gothic†The term â€Å"gothic†was used by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), the Italian artist and historiographer known for this book on the famous architects, to refer to the artistic style that characterize the French churches such as the Notre Dame de Paris and the Church of Saint-Denis (Chapuis â€Å"Gothic Art†). The term came from the barbarians called Goths who were then known to lack the civility that the people â€Å"civilized†people such as the Romans ought to have. These barbarians were one of the Nordic tribes likened to that of the Vandals as despoilers (Tarnocyova 69) that brought the â€Å"civilization-filled†Roman Empire into flames (Chapuis â€Å"Gothic Art†). As such, the Goths represent a regression or at the very least a certain sort of backwardness, crudeness, and lack of refinement. In fact, the Academie dArchitecture, meeting in 1710, still described unacceptable architectural manners as â€Å"gothic†(Tarnocyova 69). Hence, the term is originally a pejorative term that intends to put down an artistic style and say that the style is at the very least barbaric and rude. The reason why Vasari charged the artistic style as â€Å"gothic†has nothing to do with the merits or demerits of the style. It also has nothing to do with the logic and ingenuity that the artistic style exhibits. Rather, Vasari, just like most people during the Renaissance, were victims of the prejudices of their period. It should be recalled that the Renaissance was characterized by despise for tradition. As such, anything that belonged to the â€Å"dark ages†cannot be considered as good and of value. It is only fairly recent that the artistic manner and beauty of the gothic period is acknowledged for all its already-perceived merits. Gothic Architecture Gothic art is widely known primarily because of Gothic architecture. In fact, as was already stated in the introduction, the beginning of the Gothic period is pegged on the time of the construction of the chevet of the Church of Saint-Denis. It was 1127 when Abbott Suger, then the Abbott of Saint-Denis who was also the confidant of French Kings like Louis VI and Louis VII (Wikipedia â€Å"Gothic Architecture†), decided to rebuild the Church of Saint-Denis. This rebuilding eventually gave way to a new art period. How was this period initiated, then? At this point, it will be worthwhile to first state the Abbot’s philosophical ideas that contributed a lot to the underlying spiritual ideology of the Gothic Saint-Denis. Abbot Suger was some sort of philosopher/theologian in his own right. Corresponding with the theologian Dionysius from Syria (whose philosophy was some sort of Neoplatonist Christianity) (Helfrich â€Å"History of Gothic Architecture†), Suger came with the theory that God could best be represented as a powerful light, as a â€Å"supernatural light†as he would call it (Helfrich â€Å"History of Gothic Architecture†), who through his omnipotence, spiritualizes everything that is material. As such, God’s church ought to be a place where light is mostly present. God’s church, being the gathering place of his people, ought to also be the place where God, as light, could put his people together represented by an enveloping light. With this in mind, Abbot Suger started rebuilding the west front of the church first (the abbot left the Carolingian nave untouched and moved to reconstruct the eastern part of the church). The initial impetus that defined the changes that the abbot did on the church was the desire to put more light on the choir. He wanted the effect of having something like a â€Å"Heavenly Jerusalem†(Tarnocyova 69) that is primarily perceived to be luminescent, in one way reflecting the glory, majesty and power of the One True God. In this way, the Church acts truly as Christ’s earthly bride, bringing heaven-on-earth, making the physical reflect what is spiritual. It was this eastern reconstruction that would eventually be considered the very first Gothic art. Putting this ideal was not an easy task to do. In the first place, the Romanesque period created bulky churches with thick walls and fewer and smaller windows. The creation of light, then, would entail an architecture that was different from what was then mainstream. It was in the face of this task that Abbot Suger’s architects thought of using a more sophisticated technology, the pointed arch. The use of the pointed arch gave the architects additional flexibility that was not accessible through the curved arches. For one, the use of the arch meant lesser lateral thrust of the roof on the walls (Chapuis, â€Å"Gothic Art†). In addition to this, the new system of ribbed vaults allowed for thinner columns, allowing the stone material of the vaults to be lighter (Chapuis, â€Å"Gothic Art†) and space to be wider. Another important technology is the flying buttress that gave support to the thinner walls. These allowed for more space and more windows to be installed in these churches. More space and more windows meant more light penetrating the Church (or, in the case of Saint-Denis, the ambulatory of the church). Thus, Suger’s ideal is now a reality and Gothic architecture, with its characteristic pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, is finally born. It does not mean of course that Abbot Suger thought of Gothic architecture from a vacuum. It has to be remembered that â€Å"ribbed vaults, buttresses, clustered columns, ambulatories, wheel windows, spires and richly carved door tympanums were already features of ecclesiastical architecture†(Wikipedia â€Å"Gothic Architecture†). Even the pointed arch which is used to typify Gothic architecture is not a product of a strike of genius. Assyrian architecture already made use of pointed arches as early as 720 B. C. (Wikipedia, â€Å"Gothic Architecture†). Islamic presence in Europe, most especially in Spain, would account for the introduction of these arches in the West. What characterizes Gothic architecture then is not the presence of these individual architectural traits but the putting of these elements together forming a unique architectural style that allows for spires, space, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, grand rose windows, clustered columns, ambulatories to exist in one magnificent monument. Actually, as it could be noticed, these characteristics were put together not out of whim; Abbot Suger did not put these traits together just because. Instead, these architectural traits were utilized because of a purpose: the creation of light and space in the choir of Saint-Denis. Thus, as is always acknowledged, these beautiful architectural traits came together out of technical need. Gothic architecture then is a product of a technical and spiritual need that eventually is characterized by the typical Latin cross floor plan at the same literally showing forth height and light (Helfrich â€Å"History of Gothic Architecture†). Everything in a Gothic church shows forth height. This vertical emphasis could immediately be felt by an external viewer who may rapture in awe over the spires and pinnacles of Gothic churches. The facade as well as the entire west front of a church has pointed arches, shafts, and main arcade all of which pointing up. These amplify the already overwhelming effect of spires that unanimously bring the gazer’s eyes to heaven. Entering the Gothic church would continue that ethereal experience since the nave of a Gothic church is usually very high in proportion to its width. Upon looking up, the gazer would be led to look the ribbed vaults all of which leading to a boss in a pointing way. Not only would the gazer be enamored by the height that uplifts the spirit; there is also the magnificent ray of lights that passes through strain glasses and more magnificently through rose windows. Gothic churches are famous for these magnificent rose wheel windows the best ones such as those in Notre Dame and Chartres create the effect of the flooding of light all over the cathedral. These light rays are complemented by the large and numerous other windows in the church. The flooding of light and the univocal stress on height is again complemented by the Gothic sculpture on the tympanum or columns or totally not attached at all to architecture (Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†). Such architecture is characterized by naturalism at the same time the constant solemn disposition (Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†). Conclusion Gothic art, specifically Gothic architecture, has been created initially out of the spiritual need that Abbot Suger problematized in Saint-Denis. This was then followed by the architectural-technical need to be able to answer to this spiritual need. These series of needs brought forth the fusion which is now acknowledged to be one of the greatest styles in architecture called gothic art. Works Cited â€Å"Gothic Architecture. †Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 2 October 2007. 5 October 2007. http://en. â€Å"Gothic Architecture†History Link 101. January 2004. 2 October 2007. http://www. historylink101. com/lessons/art_history_lessons/ma/gothic_architecture. htm. â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture. †Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2002. â€Å"Gothic Art. †Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 4 October 2007. 5 October 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Gothic_art. â€Å"Parts of a Cathedral. †Medieval Time Reference. 2 October 2007. http://www. btinternet. com/~timeref/cathpart. htm Chapuis, Julien. Gothic Art. In Timeline of Art History. October 2002. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 10 October 2007 http://www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/mgot/hd_mgot. htm. Helfrich, Serge. History of Gothic Architecture. 10 October 2007 http://www. xs4all. nl/~helfrich/gothic/architecture. html Tarnocyova, Bronislava. †Gothic Architecture†Bratislava Leaders Magazine III (2007): 68-69. Van de Bogart, Doris. Introduction to the Humanities: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Music and Literature. New York: Barnes Noble, 1970.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Primary Source and Secondary Sources of Conflict
Primary Source and Secondary Sources of Conflict Communication is neither the message transmitted also no message itself. This is mutual understanding, exchange receiver. The communication needs in business must be effective. Communication is the essence of management. The basic functions of management (planning, organization, staffing, guidance and control), can not be good, there is no effective communication. Business communication involves constant flow of information. The feedback of business communication is an integral part in a communication. Organizations these days is very large. It is the number of people involved. Organizations at all levels in the hierarchy. Greater number of levels, the more difficult is the work of the management organization. The communication process command and control organization plays a very important role. You can get instant feedback and misunderstanding in a large organization. There should be between superiors and subà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹-organizations, organizations and soci ety (for example, between management and trade unions) to communicate effectively. This is the key to an organizations success and growth. In any organization, the communication gap is not supposed to happen. Business Communication is goal oriented. The companys rules, regulations and policies are communicated to internal and external organizations. Business communication is to comply with certain rules and norms. In the early stages, the enterprise communications is a limited number of instruments, telephone, but with todays technology, we have a mobile phone, video conferencing, e-mail, satellite communications to support business communication. Effective business communication help in building goodwill of an organizations. The personal qualities is a persons personal characteristics of a person. They are what makes a persons character. They help a person to get along with the new situation. For example, the reliability and quality of patience, employers want a good worker. Other qualities employers value: honesty, self-confidence, flexibility, problem solving skills, kindness, wisdom, leadership, enthusiasm, good sense of humor. Most employers want people who are reliable and easy get along with others. Although the techniques are very important, employers will choose according to their personal qualities, as well as new employees. Personal qualities Effective communication: the employer is looking for is to listen to instructions, these instructions with minimal guidance. They hope that the employees speak, write, and listen effectively, logically organize their own thoughts, and explained everything clearly. Computer and technology literacy: almost all of the work need to know, ranging from beginner to advanced, email, computer software, spreadsheets, word processing, Internet navigation. Creativity: The ability to solve the problem, you can help your transactions, data processing, to develop a vision and reach a resolution. The employer must ensure that, you can conquer the challenges of employment, critical and creative thinking. Teamwork skills: the ability to work well with others at the same time to the pursuit of a common goal. Leadership and management: the leadership of a strong sense of self, self-confidence, and a comprehensive understanding of the companys goals. These qualities, inspire and encourage, provide a solid foundation for the team. Good leadership ability to provide competitive advantage and maximize the companys bottom line performance. Although some organizations do not believe this is true. For you, either as a leader or potential leader, outstanding leadership to your personal as well as the key to the success of your organization. How to successfully become businessman Knowledge of Business Businessman, his business should have a thorough understanding. He should be clear that the aims and objectives of the organization. He should have a thorough understanding of the different functional areas. Business knowledge, knowledge of the law should be supplemented by the trade, finance, marketing, trade. Knowledge of all these aspects is essential to solve complex business problems. Hard work A businessman should work hard. Nothing can replace hard work. Success and hard work. He should be committed to their work. His work will inspire his employees with the same passion. Their own to escape the hard-working people, will not be able to more work from others. Cooperative A businessman to deal with the many complex problems. He had a lot of people to solve their own problems, to seek cooperation. Dependence on others is a necessity in todays business world. Should be with other people should also have the ability to get cooperation. He should be able to adapt to all kinds of people. Brave A processing business to a number of issues. Sometimes, there are conflicting requirements, from a different side. Consumers, employees and the government to be considerate their requirements businessman. He has to coordinate interests. Courage and forward-looking businessman will help him to make an important decision. He should not feel helpless in the face of difficulties. The business is not an easy task these days. Only those people who will be successful will have the ability to face difficulties with a smile on your face. Initiatives and decision-making power A businessman solve many problems. He also made the decision. He should have the ability to the matter to be decided at the appropriate time. His energy to guide the Groups bid to achieve organizational goals. He should take the initiative to solve a variety of problems, they should be seen as a challenge. Responsibility A businessman should assume responsibility for a variety of to activate his subordinates. As a leader, he exercised all the powers and responsibilities. He should bear the responsibility of passing the buck on to others. Subordinates the clues of the action should not be disappointed. These qualities will the confidence of employees, they will face things, more courageous. Suitability A merchant should be according to the circumstances be adjusted. Frequently changing circumstances, there may be one. He will face some challenges courage. He should not lose heart, should be able to adapt to the new environment. A busy operation can not be carried out under static conditions. Changes in the business activities of all types for all to see. Changing business world needs the vitality of the businessman. So good businessman, just according to the necessities of the situation, should be able to. Sociability Another significant the businessman quality is a mixed one, with the ability of any person within two minutes. He must be allowed to introduce yourself to an unidentified person in a very short period of time. Therefore, a businessman, sociable nature, can be easily won many, many popular confidence. 8 questions How to success for being a businessman? What are the personal qualities for being a business man? Does personal qualities important in a businessman? What are the most important things you want me to remember while I run your business? Will I be given a mentor to guide my success? Is there anything youd like to tell me about this position? When did you first realize that you wanted to be a businessman? How big is the threat of new entrants? How much power do your suppliers have? What differentiates your product from the competitors? Introduction of conflict Conflict is an inevitable part of interpersonal relationship. It is how to approach and management, can be constructive or destructive conflict. Conflict think the important thing, when people who hold different views. We live in the community and the family could not see, because we do things. Daily conflict, sometimes small disputes, sometimes violent battle. Each of us according to our own unique personality and cultural background of the conflict. People have different motives, beliefs, values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and goals. Two people can perceive and explain the same situation is very different. When rescue workers to respond to major emergencies, we have found work elsewhere. They may be from another village or city in our own country or from another continent. Two people may speak the same language, but a controversial, you may find other response is the same. The other way to deal with conflict may confuse or offend us. Our day-to-day work, the problems and contradictions is natural, the key is to find the right way to overcome these difficulties continue to productive work. A tool to overcome their own views and prejudices, so we can see the other persons point of view. In order to resolve the conflict, we must know their roles, and how we see others. The most common forms of conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation, community meetings, conflict transformation and peer mediation. Which way is best, depending on the nature of the conflict and the parties. Experts in conflict resolution to provide a reasonable proposal Summary how peaceful settlement of disputes, the two sides find acceptable. Each conflict is different, people will react in their own way. But with the desire to solve the problem and a deep understanding of the parties and dispute the root cause, you will usually be able to resolve conflicts before they become violent. Sources of primary conflict There are many reasons or reasons of the conflict in any work environment. Some of the main reasons are: Poor communication: different communication style may lead to misunderstandings between employees or between employees and management personnel. The lack of communication, promote conflict underground. Different values: any workplace by individuals who see a different world. Conflict, there is a lack of acceptance and understanding of these differences. Different interests conflict, their personal goals, and ignore the organizational objectives and organize workers personal fight well-being. Scarce resources: In many cases, the employees feel that they have the competition available resources to do their work. Environment of scarce resources, which will lead to conflict despite awareness of scarce resources. Personality clashes: All the work environment by different personalities. Colleagues to understand and accept each others work and the way to solve the problem, a conflict will occur. Poor performance: When one or more individuals in the work of the unit does not perform potential this is not a solution does not work, conflict is inevitable. The natural pressure of the workplace environment, as well as the conflict between colleagues either personal reasons, this pressure to enable them to establish and develop the work environment will only further weaken next. In many cases, the conflict in the workplace seems to be the fact that in life. We see that different people have different goals and needs, has entered the conflict. We have all seen, may lead to the often intense personal hatred. Understanding of this issue, and to take positive action, they can help solve this problem, a place where they really want, while creating a comfortable working area, so that their organization. In addition, it was agreed that these major sources, the party can solve a lot of problems, and it brings to the surface as well as to obtain benefits, and they may not be the first to think of. Specifically, through the understanding and agreement of the source to resolve conflicts, team members can develop stronger mutual respect, and a new b elief in their work together. A team in a big advantage is its diversity of resources, knowledge and ideas. However, the diversity of the conflict. With the growing number of corporate restructuring work teams need training in conflict resolution will continue to grow. Team conflict is not necessarily destructive. The conflict may lead to new ideas and methods, organizational processes, and to deal with the problem of interest. The conflict, in this sense, can be considered positive, because it is conducive to the surfacing of the important issues, and to provide opportunities for people to develop their communication and interpersonal skills. Workplace by individuals who have their own point of view to see the world. Some employees have a strong belief, they are not willing to compromise. These beliefs can conflict with colleagues, resulting in conflict. For example, if a person is strongly opposed to diversity in the workplace, may be difficult to accept his other workers. In order to avoid conflict with these workers, he must try to accept or initiate more tolerant of those different values. In dealing with conflict, the most important and consistent element is open, honest and clear communication. Few people regard themselves as poor communicators, it is the bounden duty of management, particularly those that require their employees, how they communicate feedback, and how, in the case of conflict can improve. Important that the staff can be assured of recrimination, to say the truth, no two people are exactly the same freedom. Therefore, the personality conflicts in the workplace is inevitable. An employee may have a r eserved personality, while another may be more outgoing and forward-looking. Problems, the two do not understand or do not respect each others inherent nature. For example, employees may feel more outgoing personality is more introverted workers contempt, if not more with him. He might think it is a very small, not only is the personality of the staff. In addition, his practice handling the project may be analytical, and she is intuitive. Conflict when the two do not understand, and respect each other, bigger, more complex distributed organizations, the heavier the parties to communicate effectively, it is difficult to achieve exactly the right person. Addition, the working group loyalty can be a powerful, territory, another group often browse hostile invasion. lot of time and energy is wasted in the address this is not a normal conflicts. competition for limited resources is also a factor in conflict. typical example here is usually normal budget requirements exceed the available f unds which may be the most common source of conflict and the most familiar in all tissues When you create expectations and did not realize, may lead to a lot of negative did not honor the commitment to the customer, voluntary overtime, less than expected wage growth and the allocation of resources to different departments do not have to explain a great deal of These are some simple examples, leading to a conflict between the customer and the company, the employees and management personnel and departments. When the personal or political parties into a process of negotiations to resolve the conflict, their table in a certain direction, in their efforts to resolve the conflict. The most basic in both directions to enter into negotiations, insist on cooperation or competition. Cooperation with the interest-based negotiations process, which leads to the parties to seek a win-win solution. The controversial cooperation between the parties to a negotiated settlement is more likely to develop relations of trust and mutually beneficial solution options. Mutual benefit and win-win approach is considered to be a constructive process. Win/win approach is to change the conflict from adversarial attack and defense, cooperation. It is a powerful change in attitude, change the entire communication process. A person will always be a common solution to the problem, can make the difference. Your readers may be man redirect conflict. First of all, you have to convince yourself. Creative solutions are ef fectively snuffed out. The losing individual or group may reject the leaders. They have the powerful long-lasting negative emotional reactions. The approached to the conflict is collaboration. Its mean mutual solve problem. The participants must have skills for communicating and working in groups effectively. The participants also must have attitudes that support a climate of trust to work through problems. The participants have to use effective problem-solving strategies. This will help them to solve conflict easily In conclusion, I want to repeat that not all conflicts can be resolved. Sometimes, trying to solve this case, will make things worse. The initial information collected and the conclusions to for whatever reason, this relationship is to save, then it may be the best possible recognition, and do whatever you can separate the two sides. I also know more about the primary source of the conflict began. I give some example on primary source. Moreover, I learn about extra knowledge about more about conflict and how to solve a conflict.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
COMPARISONOF MILITARY LEADERSHIP THROUGHOUT THE AGES No leader should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no leader should fight a battle simply out of pique. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life. Hence the enlightened leader is heedful, and the good leader is full of caution. - Sun Tzu Introduction Tommy Franks, general of the American Army states that soldeirs should have a high competance in their workplace, are caring, direct to their peers and sub-ordinates, hard and tough in all conditions, thoughtful to the people of all and most importantly a leader. He states â€Å"You would have to be a coward if you were a commander and you were not afraid for your men†. Understanding that statement leadership is not the same in all levels. Majors and Leuitenant Colenels are not leading a section into battle, but on the flip side you don’t see a lance corporal moving battalions stragecally over the battlefield. This is the fact that leaders of all levels sometimes forget, that everyone in the army is a leader of some respect. Although there are obviously many inspiring leaders, although the following leaders chosen have different appraoaches to the way that they led their country. These leaders show the way that you can bring a country from strength to strength with leadership skills. These include the up and down life of Sadaam Hussein, Triumph and loss of Adolf Hitler, the coming from nothing to the conquering Napoleon and finally the comparison of the great to the poor leaders. This essay will enlighten the issues of leadership of well known leaders and compare them with the text leader from the Australian point of veiw. It will also bring current leaders into a perspective to compare them with the leaders of yesteryear and provide an argument where they may have gone wrong. What is a leader? Australian Defence force definiton of leadership is; leadership is the continuous influencing and directing of men in tasks which they accomplish their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyalty in the manner urged by the leader. Qualities of leadership involve leading by example with the use of the following traits; Motivation, Courage – physical and moral, Decisiveness, Responsibility, iniative, integrity, judgement, knowledge, loyalty, selflessness ... ...e and has no integrity. Saddam did show a lot of initative though, ordering his armies into neighbouring countries and conquering them. On the other hand Napoleon and Alexander the Great are very similar in their leadership traits. This is because Napolean studied many battles of Alexander and moulded himself to act like the leaders of that era. Alexander was the break through of technology with the long bow and cavalry, where as Napoleon proved Sun Tzu 1963, The Art of War (translated by S. Griffith), Oxford University Press, London, p. 10 Most influential people of the world dor 2003. 2030 9th Jan 2004 Channel 10 as above Leadership Theory and Practice - green as above Small Unit leadership Ritter, S. and Riverspit, W. 2002, War on Iraq – What team Bush doesn’t want you to know, Context Books, New York p. 5 Harris, B. 2003, URL: Ritter, Brevic, M 1999, Warfare: Alexander the Great, Digital Attack p. 2 URL: General Failings URL: as above as above as above as above as above Brevik as above as above Brevic
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises Essay -- Small and Medium Enter
SMALL and medium enterprises (SMEs) are broadly defined as manufacturing, manufacturing-related services (MRS) and agro-based industries that employ around 200 full-time employees or have annual sales turnover of not more than RM50mil (Chermaine, 2013). Besides, the term also refer to enterprises in the services, primary agriculture and information and communication technology industries with not more than 75 full-time employees or annual sales turnover of not more than RM20mil. According to the SME Annual Report 2012, small and medium enterprises represent 98.5% of the approximately 78,000 companies in Malaysia, with the remaining 1.5% made up of multinational and public-listed companies. In many developed nations, SMEs are thought to contribute between 40% and 60% to gross domestic product and 60% and 70% of the employment, but the SME sector in Malaysia has not reached the mark yet. The core purpose of Web services is to create an exchange of data and information between businesses in real time via the Internet, and thus can be shared with customers, suppliers and other business partners of all the information needed. It is resemblance of the business model for example e-commerce or e-business that required transaction, product catalogue, and so on between supplier, company and customer. The complex e-commerce is becoming trend as and eBay started it to encourage other Website within other companies using it. From that, the growing of the new software, function and features will be invented. Furthermore, the rise and development of technology and communication by using the Web to conduct business is on the rise as well. Therefore, when applied to any organization that uses web services to automatically increase the value of the market, because right now, all the benefits of working on the line will help the company in its growth There are some of those benefits that will increase the value of business. An easier and efficient e-business or e-commerce application is one of the benefit can be gained by the company which is the efficiency and the easy access of business will make business flowing good and flawless. In addition, the company or organization would be able to go in the global market. As the purpose of the company want to expand their businesses, this e-commerce will help the organization going global business as the main function is online and everyone can buy it from their home as long as the customer meets the term and condition. Finally, invented the new way to do business, as this e-commerce will allow other business sector at all fields will do the same. From this, the growth of the economics and the customer will be enjoy of the variety of product that can be bought. There are a lot of benefits of Web services to Amazon, eBay and their developer partners. The first one is it allows an explosive business growth in globally because it is not only on domestic as Web services are invented for organization to go global market. This will encourage other organization will do the same method to increase their profit. Secondly, Web services help these companies to expand their market reach as promotional activities for customer to get to know the product. Target market reach will be able for the company to find their potential customer to buy their product. Thirdly, it will give users the ability to act on information any time, any place, and from any smart device. It covers up almost everything that is available t... ...e services providers begin and other competitor have no choice to lower their price in order to compete with U Mobile and it is long debate to be spot on. Back to the topic, in Aroma Hijrah itself is the new entrant in the market. So far, NSK has to compete with new retailer which are more convenience and cheap. The price wars and offering better product and services are needed. Thus, NSK came out with an idea to cover themselves from threat of new entrant. First of all, they provide a membership cards that the customer can get 1 point in every Rm1 they spend. Once they collected at some limit, NSK will provide the customer with the special gifts and the membership also allows the customer to get member prices that is lower than non-member price. Also, NSK provide N-Card Kiosk in order to check and verify their cards and its collected points. Based from my observation, NSK tend to open their store nearest factory and industry location rather than open area for business, and this probably they want attract nearest people that do not want to go out the place to shopping. . It is cleared that, NSK and Econsave are ultimate rivalry based on their current business operation and profitable. However, only one company will always be a winner and NSK is capable on this competition as they brave enough to do a 24-hour store opened located in Selayang that could capture more customer nearby and during festive season. They also brave in reduce some price of their products in order to attract the customers. Works Cited Chermaine Poo (2013). Financing for SMEs. The Star Online. Muhyiddin Yassin (2013). SMEs. Berita Harian Online.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Relationship between the numbers of goals of the FIFA world cup 2014 score with the height of the players?
IntroductionThe FIFA world cup is one of the most celebrated soccer tournaments around the world today. Not only does it serve as entertainment to everyone that watches the tournament but to participate teams have to have play a game against every team of there area teams classified this year include country’s like Argentina, Spain, Bosnia, Brazil, USA, Italy, France and many more. This being said for teams to win games they have to score more goals than other teams in this investigation the purpose is to verify if there is a correlation between the height of soccer players and the amount of goals they score.Statement of taskThe main purpose of this investigation is to determine whether there is a relationship between the height of the player and the amount of scores that they scored through out the period of qualifications for the 2014 FIFA world cup Brazil. The type of data that will be collected will be the Height of fifteen different players who have scored and all are from teams that have qualified to go to the 2014 FIFA world cup and the amount of goals they have scored.Plan of investigationI am investigating the relationship of Players and height of players. I have collected the data of the players height through the use of the official FIFA 2014 website; I have also used this website to collect the number of goals the players made. Furthermore with the collection of data that I have acquired I have performed several mathematical processes to analyze the data such processes consisted on; finding the mean, median and mode, making a scatter plot of the data, finding the correlation, making a cumulative frequency chart, a box and whisker plot a histogram, and finally finding the standard deviation. I will also perform a chi square test on the data to show the dependence of the height of the players and the amount of goals they have scored.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Conditions on Each Planet
Mercury : Due to mercury being extremely close to the sun, causes its planet to have no atmosphere. If any air was ever around Mercury, it would have been within its early years and from that point to now, it is gone because of all of the heat being given off of the sun. Mercury has crazy weather issues because of the lack of atmosphere, which includes a drastic weather change within day to night. Whenever the sun touches the surface of Mercury, that is when the climate reaches its highess at 801 degrees Fahrenheit in the day time. Because of the lack of atmosphere in mercury, the Mercurial sky is black and the stars can be seen in broad daylight. The night time becomes a different situation, at this point it leaves it at a chilling climate where it is -300 degree Fahrenheit. Venus : Venus contains a wonderful thick atmosphere which is made up of 97% carbon dioxide. Venus's pressure at the surface is 92 times stronger than on Earth. Its temperature goes to an extreme result of 900 degrees Fahrenheit, which mkes it the hottest planet of all. Its atmosphere is this way because of a strong volcanic activity during the past. Venus deals with sulfuric acid rain falls that come from its swirling clouds but is gone before even reaching the ground. Earth: Earth has the most dynamic weather in the solar system compared to the rest. The atmosphere has changed a lot compared to the Earth's early atmosphere, but for the last billion years, it has remained pretty constant. There are 3 very different atmospheric problems that is needed to be kept close attention to. The three atmospheric problem are the greenhouse effect, damage to the ozone layer, and acid rain. The earth is surrounded by a blanket of gases, this blanket traps energy in the atmosphere, much the same way as glass traps heat inside a greenhouse. This results in an build up of energy, and the overall warming of the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is a natural process which made life on Earth possible. Ozone is oxygen that contains molecules that have 3 oxygen atoms. There is a layer of ozone high p in the atmosphere which shields the Earth from the sun's harmful UV rays, these rays can lead to an increase in skin cancer. The ozone is present in very small quantities but it is enough to absorb the UV rays preventing them reaching the surface. Concentrations of ozone appeared to be dropping in certain areas of the world (the layer was starting to thin-out). The cause of this reduction was thought to be man-made. Rain water is naturally acidic due to carbon dioxide which partially reacts with water to give carbonic acid. Acid rain is caused by other gases released when fossil fuels are burnt. Mars: Mars's atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide, Venus's atmosphere is much more than Mars. The temperatures on Mars ranges from 80 degrees to -200 degrees Fahrenheit. Mars experiences seasons too. There is dust storms that are frequently occurring. Mars's atmosphere, has fog and frost forming on the Red Planet because of the water vapor. Jupiter: Jupiter's atmosphere has clouds which are striped with dark belts and light zones. High winds and lightning are a regular feature on Jupiter. Other small eddies and whorls form and dissipate in the cloud layers. The temperature on Jupiter is approximately -234 degrees Fahrenheit only. Saturn: Like the other gas giant planets, Saturn's atmosphere is mainly hydrogen and helium. Saturn is a windy planet, with 1,000 mile an hour, winds do a good job of mixing the atmosphere and making it appear homogeneous through Earth based telescopes. Saturn's tilt creates seasons and uneven temperatures on the planet. The top of the clouds have an average temperature of -285 degrees Fahrenheit, with warmer temperatures deeper in. A churning hexagonal cloud formation has been spotted near the North Pole and has persisted for a few decades now. Uranus: Uranus is unlike the other planets in that it is tipped on its side, and, in essence, rolls along in its orbit. At -350 degrees Fahrenheit, its atmospheric conditions stay the same for many years at a time (its year is 84 Earth years), until it experiences seasonal changes, sparking storms in its atmosphere. Neptune: Neptune is the record holder for the windiest place in the solar system. At about 1,250 miles per hour, the winds of Neptune makes it a stormy place, evidences by a Great Dark Spot that is a giant hurricane-like storm, similar to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. The methane gas in the atmosphere is what makes the planet appear blue. White storms clouds that zip across the planet are common. Neptune's temperature averages -373 degrees Fahrenheit. Pluto: Pluto holds the place as the farest object in the solar system feom the sun. Pluto's distance from the sun gives it a large range of temperature on its surface, its stated as the coldest by Earth's standards. It is so cold on Pluto that a regular theromater can not state its coldness, scientist have to use a Kelvin scale. Using Kelvin scale, Pluto's temperture is at 44 K which is approximately -239 degrees. Its maximum reaches at 55 K ( -218 F ) and a minimum of 33 K ( -240 F ). Pluto maybe the coldest planent but surprisely, it has a warmer atmosphere than the surface of the dwarf planet. Its warm atmosphere is from the presence of unexceptly large amounts of methane.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Source base questions - KMT-CCP rivalry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Source base questions - KMT-CCP rivalry - Essay Example This was the classic method of raiding a village. Sometimes we killed and carried away little pigs weighing around thirty catties. We took corn, rice, potatoes, taro. Did we take money? No. There was no money to be had anyway. e.g. in Source A, the cartoon shows us that the KMT (Kuomintang or Nationalist Party) officers were totally on the side of the rich landlord demanding greater taxes. Exploitation of the peasants took various forms. Not only were heavy taxes levied, many of which were collected in advance, but also peasants were forced to provide carts, animals and farm produce. The source also shows one such officer in hostile action against a peasant and his family. Judging from their poor attire and the fact that the loss of the two bushels of food grain represented a great loss to them, we understand that this family is a very poor one. The officer is commanding the peasant to hand over grain to the landlord. The peasant is very angry at the unfair demand, which is evident by his clenched fists. It also shows his impotence to offer any stiffer resistance to the officer and the landlord due to the overall cloak of oppression that has smothered the populace during the domination by the KMT regime. The peasant’s wife is beseeching the landlord to have mercy as they need that food for their family, especially the crying child. In response, the obese landlord is pointing a jocular finger at the wailing child meaning that he does not care about the wellbeing of a brat like that. The cartoonist is telling us that despite the oppressive hardship and poverty of the peasants, the corrupted KMT government was still exploiting them unmercifully. Source A seems to drive the message that the communists were sympathetic about the hardship of the people and this is in stark contrast to the corrupt Nationalists. Source A is also a communist cartoon and thus may be a propaganda tool to incite the sense of anti-KMT feeling among the peasants and thereby
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Groupism in Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Groupism in Design - Essay Example A group is needed to complement the weakness and bring out the best in every individual. In business, groupism serves as an audience to the prospected market of the product. However, controversies regarding groupism are discussed and debate everywhere. Some designers claimed that groupism would box their ideas into the norms of the group and hinders their creativity. Some studies also pointed out that groupism in universities creates misunderstandings and rivalry to the outside group of students. In family, groupism could result in degree of animosity with those who are outside the family. Designers are people who have extreme ideas. They are not afraid to take risks and be different. They are individuals with strong personality. Introducing them into a group will be of great challenge; for them, it seems like being enclosed into a cage or box. For them, their ideas will be controlled and will not be heard according to their wants and preferences. As stated earlier, the group is needed to minimize the weaknesses and brings out the best in every individual, but how come that even the strengths will be suppressed This risk could be reduced through organization's proper recruitment and management. Working in a group required lots of effort and team building. The management must evaluate the designer's skills to know the areas where they excel the most and the areas where development is needed. Working as a group is as simple as math. Everyone has their highest positive number and lowest negative number. These will be summed up and be divided according to the numbers of m ember. The average is the rate of the group's effectiveness. On the other hand, the highest positive number could be recognized with the help of proper management. Understanding uniqueness of every individual could give the management an insight on what hinders productivity, what can be changed and developed. Groupism in design is just like a basketball team playing. Everyone wants to excel, to give their best and help the team win. But even with the best players, playing without goal and cooperation will not help win the game. It will produce confusion and misunderstandings. The strengths of every player should be used and the weakness of each should be complemented by other players. The coach could help the team by proper allocation of players and setting of instructions. According to the survey made in Japanese schools, 61% of the 280 respondents believed that the main reason for a society to have preschool is to learn on how to be a member of group. The need to belong is part of the human instinct making groupism as a normal sight in schools and universities. As an urban word, groupism is defined as losing someone's identity after being part of the group. Stereotypes were created due to the fact that they are afraid to be different. They tend to ignore their own ideas and openness was not extended to every member because they are afraid to be rejected. Peers struggle to belong in a group and be accepted; consequently resulting in generation of low confidence. The leader of the group is followed and everyone goes with the flow. Motivation comes from outside sources. On the other ha
Monday, October 7, 2019
Federalist paper declaration of independence Essay
Federalist paper declaration of independence - Essay Example s not secured against the violence of the stronger; and as, in the latter state, even the stronger individuals are prompted, by the uncertainty of their condition, to submit to a government which may protect the weak as well as themselves; so, in the former state†. Madison is expressing in this last paragraph the dilemma between majority and minority protection. Too much majority protection, and the society is like an anarchy: The strong form coalitions and rule by force, using the state as a narrowly-concealed bludgeon. But with too much protection for the weak, it is inevitable that â€Å"hereditary or self-appointed authority†take over, and a â€Å"will... independent of society itself†characterized by a social elite will dominate, which is even worse than the majority tyranny leading to the odious state of anarchy. Madison then argues that Rhode Island, without reform in the manner prescribed by the Federalist Papers and the eventual Constitution, is an example of this risk of majority tyranny. â€Å"[I]f the State of Rhode Island was separated from the Confederacy and left to itself, the insecurity of rights under the popular form of government within such narrow limits would be displayed by such reiterated oppressions of factious majorities that some power altogether independent of the people would soon be called for by the voice of the very factions whose misrule had proved the necessity of it†. Thus, Madison is proposing that Rhode Islands governmental form be used as an example to stray away from, lest the Constitution lead to the same risk of anarchy or majority tyranny. The â€Å"will independent of society†, of course, is the risk of going too far away from the pole of majority power, represented by Rhode Island, and towards a regime more like an authoritarian or monarchic one. The whole objective of the Federalist Papers was to craft another solution, a different way of going between the horns of the dilemma: â€Å"[B]y comprehending in the society so
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Organisational Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Organisational Change - Assignment Example In most cases, the process of change is met by some sort of resistance because employees tend to uncertain about the new concept being introduced as its outcomes tend to be uncertain (Pardo del Val & Maartinez Fuentes n.d, p. 5). Change should be a gradual process that should focus on having all team members on board, but those that seek to maintain the status quo are usually outshined by the same. John Kotter, a leading thinker in management, asserts that an eight step model is the surest way for leading changes in an organisation with a high chance that the organisation that applies it assured of success. The eight step model will be discussed later within the paper so as to capture an in-depth analysis of the same. Resistance within an organisational setting is something that a leader should anticipate, meaning that being prepared for this is likely to influence the speed of implementing the changes desired. Once change has been implemented, managing it becomes the next task as poor management of change is likely to foster undesired results. In essence, the need to implement change results from the aspect of globalisation and new technology innovations made every day that seek to make business practices be more effective, which is what every business organisation seeks to achieve (Aquinas 2010, p. 244). The implication of this is that organisations should operate at their l ocal level but apply international strategies so that their products and services can go global which a concept that McDonalds understood well (Vignali 2001, p. 98). With this, the essay will delve into the perspectives of John Kotter on change, the three schools of thought on change and their relevance today. In an organisational setting, change management refers to the process of helping individuals and teams within an organisation to transition towards the future that that the organisation desires (Burgess 2004, p. 169). According to many, change tends to be deliberate and
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