Friday, January 31, 2020
Communicating laboratory procedures Essay Example for Free
Communicating laboratory procedures Essay Laboratory procedures and practices must be communicated in a laboratory, because to keep the risk as minimum as possible by storing the chemical products in an appropriate and safe manner. A staff member shall be responsible for all stored chemicals and their use. All products must be labelled so that the researcher can identify and communicate the identity of the sample for laboratory staff. Unidentified chemical should be treated as infectious and disposed of in a proper way. All chemicals should be stored in suitable containment appropriate to hazard the agent. Containers used for storage must be enclosed or sealed. Accurate inventory should be maintained for the purpose of assessing risk and reducing unnecessary handling. Inventory must be updated to a minimum, annually. Each chemical container must also be labelled with the name or code of the chemical, the name and contact information of the user. This information must be legible to the environment is stored, i. e. indelible. A laboratory to reduce the risk good sanitation is essential to protect the integrity and chemicals. Cleaning routine should be invoked to provide work areas free from significant sources of contamination. It should be clean-up actions based on the higher degree of risk to the safety of individuals and the pilot may be exposed. Laboratory staffs are responsible for cleaning the seats in laboratories and equipment and areas that require specialised technical knowledge. Some laboratory cleaning connects: Â Keeping laboratory clean and uncluttered surfaces must be clean and free of chemicals commonly used, glassware and instruments. Way to washbasin, eyewash areas, emergency showers and exits, and fire suffocations must not be blocked. Â The proper clearance of chemicals and excess Old should not be used and the clearance of chemicals promptly and correctly. Â Arranging a workplace which is free of physical hazards corridors and passageways must be free of subsiding hazards. Concentration must be given to electrical safety, particularly as it reveals to the use of extension cords, appropriate grounding of instrument and deterrence of the production of electrical hazards in wet areas. All laboratory instruments needs to be cleaned and verified of being free of hazards before being issued for correction or assistance. (Safetyfirstaid, 2009) All protective equipment must be cleaned, laundered and disposed of by the member of staff. Apparel contaminated with human blood or other potentially infectious materials should be handled as little as possible and needs to be collected in special boxes, labelled or colour coded. Laundry will be cleaned according to the specific laboratory operating procedures laundry facility. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn by member of staff who handles contaminated laundry. The inflammable hazard is evident when gases such as hydrogen, methane, and acetylene are acknowledged. However, the fire hazard can be appended greatly. Staff must avoid the dangers of fire risk, high-pressure gas. A very brief contact with liquids or materials at low temperatures can cause burns similar to burns from high temperature contacts. The eyes are particularly vulnerable to this type of exposure, so safety glasses are required. Suppliers of care of health are invited to subject an agreed whole of data for each audit. The data are contained in an environment very blocked, are analysed and adjusted the risk and are applied, with recommendations for the improvement. Feedback is via the annual reports available to the patients, the clinicians, the combined professionals of health, the information management and the personnel. The data gathered are replaced year-on-year to confirm progress and tend. Most audit checks also provide fast, secure, online information allows contributors to see from their own computer how their organisation is performing against agreed standards at national level if available and in comparison with other trusts and networks. Although several audits have been in operation for a short period of time, other more established checks already leading to improvements in direct patient care. For example, the audit of heart attack led to improvements in treatment following a stroke and more patients taking drugs that are effective when they are discharged. (NHS, 2009) All in all communicating laboratory procedures is important because laboratories are inherently fairly dangerous places, e. g. Physics laboratories often have high voltage electricity or ionising radiation, Chemistry laboratories have dangerous chemicals and Biology laboratories have biological hazards such as microorganisms that can cause diseases. The risk in a particular laboratory depends almost entirely on what happens to it. It is only through careful assessment by a qualified and experienced and then they identify risks establishing and following safe working practices in a laboratory can be done in a reasonably safe place to work. Audits are introduced to measure the quality of patient care and improvements over time. Security measures may include things such as training of personnel, exhaust systems, natural obstacles, and alternative less hazardous chemicals that achieve the same result. Nmsu, 2008. http://www. nmsu. edu/safety/images/signs/symbol2d. jpg Safetyfirstaid, 2009. http://www. safetyfirstaid. co. uk/images/catalogue/product/SG0088-L. jpg Weird, 2009. http://www. weird. fr/images/logo_405x401_hazard_highly_flammable. jpg NHS, 2009. http://www. ic. nhs. uk/statistics-and-data-collections/audits-and-performance/national-clinical-audits.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Media Advertising and Sex Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Advertisements are everywhere, combining images and words together to create a message to sell a product. The initial impression is that the advertisers are just trying to sell their products, but there often seems to be an underlying message. It is often heard that â€Å"sex sells.†So, many advertisers will use beautiful women and men in their advertisements to try to market a product. The hope is that â€Å"sex will sell,†and people will go out and buy what the ads are selling. There are many advertisements and commercials that use this approach. Prime examples of this are the advertisements for Orbit Gum and A Diamond is Forever. Also, the commercials for Levi jeans use sex to promote the sale of their brand. As a way to explain how and why the media uses â€Å"sex to sell,†many articles have been written concerning this. For instance, â€Å"Sex as Symbol in Fashion Advertising†by Arthur Asa Berger talks about the sexual undertones us ed in ads as a way to sell products. Similarly, Jean Kilbourne’s â€Å"Beauty†¦and the Beast of Advertising†discusses the portrayal of women in advertisements as sex objects. Finally, â€Å"Analyzing Signs and Sign Systems†by Arthur Asa Berger offers ways to analyze advertisements and their use of sex. No matter what the advertisement is for; although it may seem that an advertiser is only trying to sell a product, the ways the advertisements are presented often have a hidden meaning. For example, in the ads for A Diamond is Forever; although, the company is selling engagement rings, it portrays a couple in a sensual pose. In the ad, it looks as though they are naked. The man is bending over the woman with his hands creating the shape of an oval around her. Their faces are touching, and ... ...or a better lover if their products are used. With so many different advertisements out there, watch out for many ways that sex is being used to deceive people into buying products that cannot fulfill all the promises in the ads. Works Cited Berger, Arthur Asa. â€Å"Analyzing Signs and Sign Systems.†Reading Culture. 4th ed. Ed. Diana George and John Trimbur. New York: Longman, 2001. 192-193. - - -. â€Å"Sex as Symbol in Fashion Advertising.†Reading Culture. 4th ed. Ed. Diana George and John Trimbur. New York: Longman, 2001. 186-191. A Diamond is Forever. â€Å"Advertisement.†People. Aug. 2003: 64. Kilbourne, Jean. â€Å"Beauty†¦and the Beast of Advertising.†Reading Culture. 4th ed. Ed. Diana George and John Trimbur. New York: Longman, 2001. 193-196. Levi Jeans. ABC. Ch. 7. June 2002. Orbit Gum. â€Å"Advertisement.†People Aug. 2003: 72.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Hector McDonald Zoe
Hector Archibald Macdonald was one of the most famous British soldiers of the late 19th century. He had an outstanding reputation for great bravery. Sophie: At the age of 15, hector MacDonald was apprenticed in Dingwall to a draper, and when he was 17 he decided it was time to go into military life so he added a year on to his real age and he moved on to the Royal Clan Tartan and Tweed Warehouse In Inverness . He rose rapidly through the ranks and eventually became a major- general. He first saw action and was commissioned as an officer in the SecondAfghan War in the late 1870s, then distinguished himself in the battle of Majuba Hill in South Africa 1881. Zoe: After working In Britain and Ireland, he was sent to Egypt in 1884. Here he recruited and trained a load of Sudan soldiers that he led Into several victory battles. including one of the most legendary in British history, Omdurman. In 1902 the army sent MacDonald to India to take up a regional command, but he was there for only a short while before being moved to Ceylon as Commanding Officer of British forces.Sophie: But after only 11 months MacDonald was summoned and told he must return to England to answer very grave charges†. Although details still remain unclear, MacDonald was alleged to have committed sexual acts with four Ceylonese youths or to have exposed himself In a train carriage with 70 schoolboys but there Is still so solid proof that he was even gay. Zoe: The brilliant career of a national hero came to an end on the 25th March 1903. While serving in Ceylon grave charges of homosexuality were made against him.Having been sent to England on leave he was returning to Ceylon via Paris to face a court Marshall. In his hotel he read a New York Times report of the charges against him and in despair over it went to his room and committed suicide. Sophie: After his death It was uncovered that he had a secret wife and son. HIS widow arranged for her husband to be buried in secret at 6am on Monday 30th March in Dean Cemetery in Edinburgh. The public was shocked not only at the allegations but also at the arrangements of the funeral.On the first Sunday after his burial 30,000 people visited the grave. People queued for up to three hours to pay their respects and there were so many flowers that the superintendent of the cemetery refused to have any more placed. Zoe His wife Christina died in 1911 and was buried next to her husband. Their son, Hector became an engineer in North Shields. He was thought of as stern, gloomy and unsociable; he never married and became excluded from his surrounding community. He died in 1951 and is buried with his parents. IOFI sofi By sofldontcareSophie: At the age of 1 5, hector MacDonald was apprenticed in Dingwall to a draper, in Inverness . He rose rapidly through the ranks and eventually became a major- Afghan War in the late 1870s, then distinguished himself in the battle of MaJuba Hill Zoe: After working in Britain and Ireland, he was sent t o Egypt in 1884. Here he recruited and trained a load of Sudan soldiers that he led into several victory battles, youths or to have exposed himself in a train carriage with 70 schoolboys but there is Sophie: After his death it was uncovered that he had a secret wife and son. His
Monday, January 6, 2020
sula feminism - 1265 Words
Feminism and anti-feminism in Sula: Right or wrong? Feminism has been in society for decades. In some societies, we see how women are kept in their boundaries. In some countries women have to cover their entire bodies in clothing to keep from dishonoring their families. In most traditional societies a woman is to remain virginal to be considered worthy of marriage. In America, women were constrained to the household and weren’t allowed to work or vote. These actions were and are considered by some, anti-feminist. But, when is feminism taken to far? Has the act of feminism become an excuse for women to act out because we have rights? Or is it ok to do so to be considered liberated. Whenever a woman does something negative she is in†¦show more content†¦Of course some acts of feminism are to be considered acts of heroism. But, are women today getting the wrong message from what Sula is all about? Sula is not about sleeping around to prove her worth, or saying what she p leases to be rude. Sula is about the independence in a woman. Not being submissive to a man, but being your own person. Sula represents the rights women should have to do as they please without being wild as some women take being a feminist as today. Feminism in retrospect is about having the same rights as men. But, that does not make the wrong things that men do ok for a woman to do as well. Whether done by a man or a woman, some behavior is still not appropriate. Feminism used to be about equal rights for jobs and voting and important matters. Now, women use feminism and equal â€Å"rights†to perform behavior that is not ideal behavior for anyone with good morals. As a country that believes in Christ should feminism even exist? Women who have the wrong idea of feminism give up their dignity and pride to be considered free. Women have sex freely and men still look down on them. Instead of being viewed as pure you are viewed as dirty. If anything, the act of feminism has ca used women to be even more degraded today. Women expose themselves in music videos and pornography. Women are looked at as mere objects of pleasure. If we stuck to the biblical meaning of a woman, women couldShow MoreRelatedEssay about American Feminism in Toni Morrisons Sula1287 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican Feminism in Toni Morrisons Sula Toni Morrisons Sula is a novel that tells the story of the complex situations of two very different, yet quite similar, women who represent the society of African-American females in the middle twentieth century. It allows the reader to see how people in the situation of these characters react to obstacles and events, showing a vision of American womanhood that might not be evident to people of other ethnic backgrounds and experiences. In my opinionRead MoreToni Morrison s Beloved : Dehumanization Of Slavery And Its Effects On African Americans And Their Basic Forms Of1268 Words  | 6 Pagesmasculine duties has been a direct result of the demands of slavery. The institution of slavery has stolen her womanhood. Therefore, black women neglect to adequately performing the Eurocentric female gender role. Judith Butler argues in Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity that gender can be described best as a â€Å"cultural performance†which is â€Å"constituted through discursively constrained performative acts†(Butler xxii). The construction of self is created by the societal expectationsRead MoreWell-known American Author Toni Morrison1182 Words  | 5 Pagesabout a little African American girl who wished she had blue eyes. She later expanded the short story as her first novel, The Bluest Eye in 1970. She wrote it while raising her two sons and teaching at Howard University. In 1975 her second novel Sula, which she had published in 1973, was nominated for the National Book Award. Her third novel, Song of Solomon written in 1977, brought her to national notice. 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